Strong and Weak Point of a Paper by Bemelmans
Autor: Hilde Geraerts • November 26, 2015 • Case Study • 527 Words (3 Pages) • 1,300 Views
Strong and weak points paper Bemelmans 2013
In this paragraph the paper of Bemelmans et al (2013) is discussed in more detail. Firstly the strong points of the paper are discussed, furthermore the weak points of the paper. Lastly some concluding remarks about the paper are given.
Strengths of the paper
Practical application
The paper of Bemelmans et al. (2013) has developed a tool that makes it possible for a company to quickly scan the maturity of the purchasing function. This is a strong point of the paper, as the tool is developed and tested for real use in a business environment. Therefore, the article has really developed a tool that makes it possible for companies to use the theory of purchasing maturity in practice.
First-hand data
The article provides many first hand data. In the beginning of the paper some purchasing maturity models reviewed, but later on the theory is tested. In this way, the article provides some first-hand data by developing and reviewing a new tool in a business environment.
Weaknesses of the paper
Specified for one company
The research that is done by Bemelmans et al. (2013) is designed to solve a problem for a specific company in the Netherlands. Although the outcome of the research can contribute to the research in purchasing maturity models, the extent to which the tool can be generalized is questionable. The tool is specific designed to follow up the purchasing maturity tool that was earlier used by the company and therefore generalization is limited. Furthermore, the tool is only tested at the specific company and therefore evidence for the working of the tool is low.
Method is not detailed enough
The paper of Bemelmans et al. (2013) starts with an extensive explanation about the set-up of the research. However, when the paper states to choose a specific purchasing maturity model, the method used to choose this model seems to be not clear. Bemelmans et al. (2013) stated:
“To determine which of the various purchasing maturity models has an appropriate fit with the existing comprehensive industry auditing tool (Appendix 1), documentation about existing purchasing maturity models has been analysed. During this analysis, the topics handled by the various purchasing maturity models are compared with the existing comprehensive industry auditing tool. This content analysis was first conducted on a general level and then in greater detail. Based on this analysis the “purchasing and supply development model” of Van Weele (2009) had the most appropriate fit with the existing comprehensive industry auditing tool.”