The Effects of Tsh and Thyroxine on Metabolic Rate on an Animal's Metabolic Rate
Autor: simba • September 4, 2011 • Case Study • 1,389 Words (6 Pages) • 2,369 Views
The effects of TSH and thyroxine on metabolic rate on an animal's metabolic rate.
The endocrine system is the second greatest control system of the body and has many effects on the tissues and organs. It regulates mood, growth, metabolism, as well as sexual function and reproductive processes. The thyroid gland, which is a part of the endocrine system, releases a hormone that maintains metabolism. Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions that occur in living organisms to maintain their structures, respond to their environments and keep balance or "homeostasis". Thyroid gland is controlled by thyroid stimulating hormone, TSH, which is released by the pituitary gland. TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroxine, the most important hormone in maintaining metabolism.
In this experiment, the effects of TSH and thyroxine on an animal's metabolic rate are investigated.
Based on the given information about thyroxine and TSH, in this report, a hypothesis can be made that injections of thyroxine and TSH will not increase the metabolic rate.
Materials and Methods
Experiment 1:
• Glass animal chamber
• 3 white rats
The first experiment determined the basal metabolic rate (BMR) for each of the three rats. The normal rat was dragged into the chamber. Its weight was measured. Clamp was closed. Timer was set to one minute. The button "start" was pressed and the amount of oxygen consumed by the rat was measure and recorded. After one minute was complete, the manometer and the syringe were connected and the chamber was opened to allow the rat to breath outside air. The thyroid size was checked manually and findings were recorded. The rat was dragged back to its cage and the apparatus was restored to initial state. The same procedure was repeated with the thyroidectomized rat and with the
Experiment 2:
• 3 syringes containing TSH
• Glass animal chamber
• 3 white rats
The second experiment investigated the effects of thyroxine injections on the metabolic rates of all three rats. The normal rat received a shot with a syringe filled with thyroxine. The normal rat was dragged into the chamber. Its weight was measured. Clamp was closed. Timer was set to one minute. The button "start" was pressed and the amount of oxygen consumed by the rat was measure and recorded. After one minute was complete, the manometer and the syringe were connected and the chamber was opened