Viscosity Measurements with the Falling Ball Viscomete
Autor: andrey • February 28, 2011 • Term Paper • 551 Words (3 Pages) • 2,364 Views
The purpose of this experiment is to measure viscosities of methanol - water mixtures
which have different weight fractions of methanol and is to measure viscosities of methanol
and water for different temperatures in order to examine effect of temperature on viscosity.
The falling times of the ball were measured for water and methanol at seven different
temperatures. The falling times are smaller for methanol than water at the same
temperature. On the other hand, falling times increases as the weight percent of water
increases. When the temperature increases, falling times decreases for both methanol and
water. According to obtained data, viscosities of water, methanol and their mixtures were
W(Methanol) X(Methanol) Viscosity
0 0 0,59
0,1646 0,05 0,75
0,3442 0,13 0,86
0,5425 0,23 0,84
0,7597 0,38 0,66
1 0,61 0,46
Temperature 1/T (K-1) Viscosity(Methanol) Viscosity (Water)
20 0C 0,0034 -0,65 -0,534
25 0C 0,003354 -0,66 -0,522
30 0C 0,003298 -0,68 -0,555
35 0C 0,003224 -0,71 -0,622
40 0C 0,003193 -0,74 -0,633
45 0C 0,003175 -0,8 -0,673
50 0C 0,003094 -0,83 -0,73
Equation of 1/T versus ln(η) graph for water: y = 694,56x - 2,866
Equation of 1/T versus ln(η) graph for methanol: y = 613,78x - 2,718
η = E/R * 1/T – lnC
For water: E/R=694,56, E=57.74 kJ.mol-1
Error =( I15.9 kJ.mol-1 – 5.774 kJ.mol-1I / I15.9 kJ.mol-1) * 100 = 64.1 %
For methanol: E/R=613,78, E=5.1029 kJ.mol-1
Error =( I11.1 kJ.mol-1 – 5.1029 kJ.mol-1I / I11.1 kJ.mol-1) * 100 = 54 %