Allowing Same-Sex Marriage
Autor: emilyann1313 • April 6, 2014 • Essay • 1,014 Words (5 Pages) • 1,211 Views
Emily Peters
POLS 1101
3 October 2013
Allowing Same-Sex Marriage
According to, homosexuality, also known as being gay, is “exhibiting sexual desire or behavior directed toward a person or persons of one's own sex” (“Gay”). Marriage is “a legally, religiously, or socially sanctioned union of persons who commit to one another, forming a familial and economic bond” (“Marriage”). Although most people consider marriage between a man and a woman, that is no longer the case in some states. Gay marriage is happening more often than most people expected it to. The gay community has always been around, but just recently they have started fighting for their rights to marry.
Homosexuality has been around since the beginning of time. The history of homosexuality begins in the Bible, if not even earlier than that time. In Genesis, some scholars believe that Noah’s son committed a homosexual act when walking in on Noah naked. Another reference in the Bible is in Leviticus: “it universally outlaws men laying with men as with women, with this being a capital crime” (“History”). In addition to the Bible, if one were to look at ancient Greek myths, he would see that same-sex incidents were mentioned with Zeus, Achilles, and Hercules. In the 14th century, in some countries, same-sex relationships were even encouraged. However later on an intolerance to homosexuality occurred because of the introduction of the Catholic Church. In the 17th and 18th century, penalties for homosexual behavior were no longer intact. The government allowed same-sex relationships, which led to medical professionals studying people’s choice of sexuality. The American Psychiatric Association had even listed homosexuality as a mental disorder. Entering into the 20th century, gay men and lesbians had begun to organize to receive respect from the rest of their community. Their organization for rights began with the Stonewall Riot. The Stonewall Riot is what gave homosexuals the courage to fight for their right to marry (Pickett).
Currently thirteen states in the United States allow same-sex marriage. On the other side, currently thirty-five states ban same-sex marriage. While gays are hoping to win their rights, many people do not think they should be allowed the chance. These people believe that messing with the traditional values of marriage will open the door to polygamous and interspecies relationships. Giving homosexuals the right to marry leaves the polygamous community thinking that they will be next in line for approval. After polygamy, bestial relationships could expect to be allowed as well.
Marriage is known to be between a man and a woman, and its purpose is to “involve procreation and rearing of children within a family”