Awareness Towards ‘pregnancy Prevention Campaign'
Autor: simba • January 10, 2013 • Essay • 472 Words (2 Pages) • 1,227 Views
An unintended and in most cases unwanted pregnancy brings teenagers before a crisis. Teenage pregnancy rate has declined from 14.55 % (2000-2005) to 12.88% (2005-2010) in Malaysia but it still remains a serious medical and social problem. There is some evidence to show that the negative effects for both mother and child such as teen mother may drop out of education and psychological development of the infant. Public relations practitioners are important to carry out a public service campaign to influence the teenager's behavior. Strategies have been developed by governmental and non-governmental in order to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies such as sex education. Formal sex education programs may increase knowledge about reproductive health and improve the use of methods to protect against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. The objective of this study is to examine the awareness of teenagers toward the prevention of teenage pregnancy issues and investigate whether the public service campaign work to prevent the teenage pregnancy. Quantitative and qualitative researches will be used in the research, survey method that will distributed 400 copies of questionnaires to the Kampar UTAR students in different faculty, students age range is among 18 years old until 24 years old. Beside that, the focus group interview will be used only to the potential respondents that finding out from the questionnaire.
Despite a recent decline in teen pregnancy rates, teen pregnancy remains a significant problem in our countries. In fact, the pregnancy rates are dropped slightly but it doesn't means that people should not concern about this problem, it should not occur because of the terrible consequences.
In fact the future for a teenage mother and her child does not often hold great promise. Two out of three pregnant teenagers drop