Caribbean Studies Juvenile Delinquency
Autor: tyla2305 • March 20, 2015 • Essay • 4,164 Words (17 Pages) • 1,265 Views
Territory: Trinidad and Tobago
Candidate’s Name: Aja-Simone Bath
Candidate’s Code. 1600670200
Centre No: 160067
Subject: Caribbean Studies
Unit: One
Theme: Juvenile Delinquency in Trinidad and Tobago
Teacher: Mrs. Wellington
Year: 2014
Acknowledgement 1
Introduction 2
Literature Review 4
Data Collection Sources 6
Presentation of Findings 7
Analysis of Findings 13
Discussion of Findings 15
Conclusion/Limitations/Recommendations 17
Bibliography 19
Appendix 20
I would firstly like to thank my parents and teacher who all guided me through writing this assessment. I would also like to thank the various authors of periodicals, articles and books which aided me in receiving information for my project. Furthermore, I would like to express sincere gratitude to the respondents of my questionnaire whose data provided the material statistical data and information for my research.
Purpose of the Study:
Today there is an increase in the cases of juvenile delinquency and the stereotypes attached in the Caribbean and more young people are becoming involved in criminal activities. This is a major problem in the Caribbean as it has an effect on citizens and it also degrades the names of Caribbean societies internationally, due to increased criminal rates. There is a need to examine the issues facing Caribbean youth today and to better understand the lives of delinquents as well as the reasons why they commit such crimes. In this way, we could help these adolescents to get back on the positive path.