Causes and Consequences of Family Vilence
Autor: jessiejames1978 • September 25, 2016 • Essay • 847 Words (4 Pages) • 1,008 Views
Causes and Consequences of Family Violence
In order to define family violence, we must also define family. A modern definition of family is a group of individuals living together, who may or may not be married, and that interacts and communicate (Wallace & Roberson, 2014). Families include heterosexual couples and LGBT couples, and single parent families. Family violence is when someone uses abusive behavior to control or harm another family member. Family violence includes physical aggression, intimidation, fear, sexual assault, and neglect.
Triggers of Family Violence
The triggers for family violence are numerous. Triggers of family violence are the circumstances, situations, or events that precede an incident of abuse. Not all incidents of abuse can be traced back to one specific trigger. Specific family violence triggers can include financial problems, relationship stressors, employment stress, and alcohol or substance abuse. Triggers of family violence are not the underlying cause of abuse. There are three main models that focus on the factors that contribute to family violence: the psychiatric model, the social-psychological model, and the socio-cultural model (Wallace & Roberson, 2014). The psychiatric model of family violence focuses on the offender's traits and characteristics. Psychiatric theories attempt to link personality disorders, mental illness, alcohol and substance abuse to acts of family violence. The social-psychological model explores the connection between external environmental factors that impact the family, family structure, and on everyday interactions between family members that are precursors to acts of family violence (Wallace & Roberson, 2014). The socio-cultural model provides a macro level of analysis. Family violence is examined using the variables that are believed to cause the abuse. Socio-cultural theories examine variables such as inequality, cultural norms, and attitudes about violence and family relations.
Long-term Effects of Family Violence
Victims of domestic violence feel the effects for years. Arthritis, hypertension and heart disease have been identified as being caused or exacerbated by family violence victims in their adult life (Wallace & Roberson, 2014). Domestic violence often takes place in the context of the family home where children are present. Many victims suffer from broken relationships. When children violence against a caregiver, it can weaken the child's bond or attachment to the caregiver parent. Victims of abuse can also experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD is a mental health disorder that is triggered by a terrifying event that is experienced or witnessed, and is outside the range of the usual human experience (Wallace & Roberson, 2014). Another long-term consequence of family violence