Climate Change and Their Effects on Greenland
Autor: nixontayhy • March 20, 2017 • Research Paper • 2,186 Words (9 Pages) • 909 Views
Climate Change and Their Effects on Greenland
Tay Hong Yik
HELP University
Climate change
Topic outline
I. Introduction
A. Opener: The increasing temperature are a natural phenomenon or caused by man.
B. Thesis Statement: The causes of climate change and global warming and how it affects the Greenland citizen.
II. Global warming and climate change effect on economics of the citizens in Greenland.
- Positive effects on economics
- grass-growing
- sheep farming
- bring in economics by tourism
- Negative effects on economics
- lost productivity
- damage to property and infrastructure
- co2 from transportations
III. Global warming and climate change effect on the culture of the citizens in Greenland.
- Climate change will change the characteristics of Greenland.
- Greenland’s coasts
- ensured via ocean and float
- less ice damaged the coasts
- Greenland’s hunter
- pull the net in an hour
- parasites have moved to warmer water.
- Cultural heritage
- 6000 archaeological sites
- protect the cultural heritage
- climate change will affect these objects
IV. Global warming and climate change effect the weather and animals in Greenland.
- The melting Greenland ice.
- see less ice from the Arctic Ocean
- Animals threatened by melting ice.
- decrease number of animals
- polar bears, whales number decrease
V. Conclusion:
Human being should restrict the use and dispose of waste and toxic materials that will affect temperature and environment of global. This will lead to a result that cannot be ignored.
Climate Change and Their Effects on Greenland
Numerous studies have been conducted on various facts that cause global warming and it will lead to an unhealthy trend that will eventually ended up in global climate change. However, there are still a huge portion of people which do not give attention to this important issue that will change our world into another situation. Cook et al. (2016) peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities (as cited in National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA], 2016). For example, burning fossil fuels, clearing forests and manufacture products with improper ways that will lead to the water pollution. There are a lot of place and country which are getting the consequences of these harmful actions. As the most significant country which known by everyone is Greenland. Greenland is the worlds’ largest island but with the lowest population density and one of the smallest capitals in the world. In the event that temperatures keep on rising, it is normal to ask how much the planet's ice masses will be influenced. Overall, the following are the effects of how climate change and global warming affects the situation of Greenland.