Comparision of the Mexican and Austrian Culture According to Hofstede
Autor: michele • January 25, 2012 • Essay • 2,391 Words (10 Pages) • 2,247 Views
In Mexico you can find numerous different cultures. The most important natives are the Indigenas which can be divided into Nahuas, Otomis, Mayas, Zapotecas, Mixtecos, Tzeltales and Tzotziles. They all still have their own culture and own language which formed today’s Mexican culture. (cf. Advameg, 2012, n.p,) The author will not focus on the different Indian groups but rather on the general Mexican cultural aspects.
1. Demography
Mexico´s population is rich of different cultures and it is constantly increasing. According to Emerald Coast Developments Mexico shows positive demographic trends. “The domestic market is increasingly attractive”. (Emerald Coast Developments, n.y., n.p.) Mexico has a population of 113. 724. 226 people and it has hence the world’s 11 largest population. (cf. CIA World Fact Book, 2011, n.p.) In the following graph (Lloyds in Emerald Coast Developments, n.y., n.p.) it can be seen that Mexico is generally a very young country. One out of three Mexicans is under fifteen years old and only 5% are at the age of 65 or older. 65% are between 15 and 64 with 36 billion male people 38 billion female. (CIA World Fact Book, 2011, n.p.) Furthermore it can be seen that this is slightly changing. In the year 2020 or 2050 more elder people will live in Mexico while the number of young people will decrease. From the year 2006 to 2020 Mexico´s population will increase by 17 million people. According to the World Fact Book the estimated population growth rate was 1,102 in the year 2011 with a birth rate of 19,13 births/1000 population and a death rate of 4,86 deaths/ 1000 population. The total (man and woman) life expectancy at birth is 76,45 years.
Since recent years Mexico had an unequal allocation of wealth. Over the time Mexico produced a high number of poor and rich people but an underrepresented middle class. (cf. Shirk, 2005, p.30) The BBC News stated, referring to an article from the United Nations that “Mexico has some of the highest and the lowest standards of living in the world, a United Nations report has found. Some parts of Mexico City could be compared to Spanish or German cities, the study found, but other parts were more like the poorest parts of Africa” (BBC News, 2004, n.p.) In the year 1998 20% of all income earning people made 55 % of Mexico’s income. At this time 27% of Mexico´s population lived below the poverty line. (cf. Advameg, 2012, n.p.)
In demographics the development of the population is a very important aspect too. It is an indicator for economic development but also for an appropriate live of the nation’s population. The Founder of the Human Development Report stated “The objective of development is to create an enabling environment for people to enjoy long, healthy and creative lives” (Mahbub ul Haq, n.y., n.p.) The United Nations