Criminal Justice Gangs and Gang Subculture
Autor: lorient • June 22, 2016 • Research Paper • 2,255 Words (10 Pages) • 781 Views
Kevin CJM 330 Paper 4
Course: Criminal Justice Gangs and Gang Subculture
Kevin CJM 330 Paper 4
The Gang phenomenon is a very dynamic and complex in nature. It encompasses constant changes in the gang culture hence difficulty for law enforcers in classifying them by colors, gang symbols and demographics. Gangs vary in ethnic composition, size of their membership, alliances as well as criminal intent. Traditional gangs tend to be age-graded in structure with subgroups and cliques; they have explicit rules of regulations and conduct, produce organizational charts with detailed punishment for law breakers. Non traditional gangs which are normally referred to as neighborhood based group or gang are unique to a given area. They possess less structured organization as well as their leadership compared to a traditional gang. This gang may adopt same signs, colors, and symbols of their own or have unique identifiers. They sometimes refer themselves as a rap group to avoid being on the radar of law enforcers and avoid stigmatized. This paper seeks to explore the traditional and hybrid gangs which have surfaced in the world. The study will encompass the gang structure, group dynamics, aggression and gang membership.
The expansion of the hybrid gangs or non-traditional with a multiple affiliations is a constant continuous a phenomenon in most jurisdictions nationwide. Due to their ethnicities, multiple affiliations, nebulous structure, migratory nature hybrid gangs are hard to track, target and identify since they are transient and show continuous evolution. Furthermore, these mixed-gender, multi ethnicity gangs pose a great challenge to law enforcement since they often escalate their criminal actions in order to gain respect and attention. Hybrid or non traditional gang are always fluid in structure and size although they adopt similar traits of larger urban gangs which include their own rules, recruiting methods and identifiers. Most of these hybrid gangs have evolved from an absence of loyalty towards nationally recognized groups in a region.
Violence and weapons are common in neighborhood while poverty is a real issue where there are limited life opportunities. Drug cartels have found way into creating gangs especially in Mexico which has where smuggling has been found to be lucrative yet violent in most of their operations. The Sinaloa gang is an example of hybrid gang which origininate from Mexico and undertakes murder, corruption, drug smuggling and threats as its main activities in the region. The gang has seen most of its leaders being elusive while sliding below the radar of law enforcers.
Sinaloa gang was incorporated in the 1989 through activities of drug related and economic goods extortion. Its structure is of hierarchy with its leader as a figure head and this gang is majorly leading in cocaine trafficking. Its pioneer was a drug lord called Pedro Aviles in the region of Sinaloa. He was linked to first generation of the Marijuana smugglers. El Chapo took over the gang after incarceration of Miguel Felix. This gang has maintained as the main drug smugglers for many years although they are likely to lose grip on the control of their region territories.