Elite Schools
Autor: Nerock • July 1, 2014 • Research Paper • 1,329 Words (6 Pages) • 973 Views
Should all schools be run like professional or elite schools? This is the question which has lingered in many minds of our leaders today. However the main question should revolve around the importance of both elite and professional schools in the country. If this question was posed to me I will definitely say that all schools should be run as yes, on the other hand if I was to be asked whether our country was to benefit through this mechanism I will say no. this will greatly depend on who will eventually benefit from the deal. There has to be a major target group between the country and the children in the country.
Elite schools enhance the critical capacity of the learners, essentially is a tool which makes children to be able to analyze every problem and find a solution to that problem in the best method possible. As recorded by Jaen Anyon in his work of social class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work, in executive elite schools, work is developing one’s analytical intellectual powers (37). Children at a very young age are asked to analyze thoroughly and think critically about every single problem they face. However, in the working class schools the only job a student has is to follow instructions and every rule enforced by the enforcer. Children at Elite Schools are not just taught what is right and what is wrong, but why something is wrong and they analyze it step by step to prove that something is wrong. This is completely inverse in other schools where, if one answer is wrong, then you move on and all you know is that a question has being answered wrong.
In Elite Schools, children are being prepared for their future. Most of Elite School students end up going to college and getting a degree. According to Taylor Gatto in his text of “Schools trains children to be employees.” He asks whether it is fair for all students to learn in elite schools. He poses numerous questions critiquing how effective the employment criteria in the nation will be if all children were to hold higher position. It will lead to an employment crisis since nobody in the group will be ready to work in the lower positions. At regular schools, students are taught to be discipline and to follow the right procedures into doing certain things, but at Elite Schools, they are not preparing students for the work force right after High School, they are preparing them for a better future. But if we all have a better future, who would be hired to work at all the low paying jobs available all across the nation?
Having elite schools in the country entirely without recognition of the regular schools will thwart the normal co-existence of the society. It will basically be ideal to tell a university graduate in America to go and work at Macdonald’s to such individuals it will be a step