Epm 4163 Ass 1
Autor: rethwikreddy • November 24, 2016 • Article Review • 1,336 Words (6 Pages) • 694 Views
CPP 100-1
Understanding of Responsibility – 2016f
Name: RETHWIK REDDY GOURAVARAM Student #: C0664902
What I Need to Know
I understand that I must obtain a passing grade in CPP 1001–Co-op Prep in order to be eligible to participate in co-op during my scheduled co-op term. (Refer to the course outline for session dates and assignment deadlines, refer to your program map for dates of your co-op term)
Yes Read and Understood
I understand that CPP 1001 and the associated assignments are a required part of the Co-op process and provide valuable information to conduct an effective job search.
Yes Read and Understood
I understand that in addition to the successful completion of CPP 1001 I must successfully complete all required courses prior to co-op with an overall minimum GPA to be eligible for co-op. (As outlined in the Co-op Policy and Procedures)
Yes Read and Understood
I understand that obtaining employment is a joint effort between my Co-op Advisor and I. My Co-op Advisor will assist in developing job opportunities, but ultimately I am responsible for securing my co-op. In the semester prior to co-op I need to conduct an active job search utilizing the services available to me through the myCareer Centre.
Yes Read and Understood
I understand that the co-op office cannot guarantee me a job during my co-op term. The myCareer Centre continually develops job opportunities which are posted, and assists in a number of job search techniques, however, only the employer can offer employment. I understand the more extensive my job search, the greater my chances of success.
Yes Read and Understood
I agree to abide by all deadline dates for submitting requested and required information and paperwork to the Co-op department.
Yes Read and Understood
I understand that Co-op can be paid or unpaid; this depends on employers' preferences, the career field and on the job market supply and demand conditions which exist. Approved co-op positions may be paid, unpaid, commission-based or otherwise. This will be determined by the employer. We encourage students to consider the opportunity and experience being provided by the employer when reviewing potential co-op opportunities, not just the salary.
Yes Read and Understood
I understand that I may have to move to various locations across Canada to increase my chances of securing a valuable co-op opportunity and that this may include additional costs that will be incurred by my (travel expenses, cost of living, etc.)