Euthanasia: A Controversy Between and Among Nations
Autor: marie_brew • June 23, 2015 • Essay • 1,144 Words (5 Pages) • 873 Views
Euthanasia: A Controversy between and among Nations
There are many controversial laws among the world. A few of these include capital punishment, abortion and marriage equality. One of the prominent controversies today between and among nations is euthanasia. Euthanasia is defined as intentionally ending a life to avoid pain or suffering. The practice of Euthanasia is highly debated in the United States as well as between other countries.
Euthanasia can be categorized in many ways. Some of these ways are voluntary, non-voluntary and involuntary. The main differences between these are that non-voluntary euthanasia is illegal in all countries. Most of the time, involuntary euthanasia is even considered murder. Voluntary euthanasia is dictated solely by consent from the patient. A practice cannot be considered in the category voluntary unless the person receiving the treatment gives full consent. The term, assisted suicide, is related to voluntary suicide. In the United States, it is legal in Washington, Montana and Oregon. The contrast between involuntary and non-voluntary euthanasia lies in the fact of consent being available or the patient’s will standing against the treatment. Non-voluntary euthanasia is illegal worldwide because the will of the patient is unable to be obtained. Involuntary euthanasia is illegal everywhere except for under a clause in the Netherlands. This is because the treatment is completely against the patient’s will. This type of euthanasia could be considered murder. Passive and active euthanasia are further categories in which the three classifications of euthanasia can be divided. Passive euthanasia can be described as withholding necessary medications that are required for continuance of life. Active euthanasia includes using a harmful or a lethal toxin to hurry death, making this type the most disapproved method in all categories.
The debate of euthanasia in the United States can be dated clear back to the 1870s, although the practice of euthanasia came about before this date. In the early years of this practice, many disagreed with it because it took away the human instinct of survival. This may have been because of the shocking techniques such as bleeding, suffocation and lying patients on the cold ground to freeze that were used at this point in time. During the 1800s morphine and chloroform became known to the medical world though they were never intended solely for the purpose of quickening death. The Gilded Age, which included major changes in society and technology, sparked the rise of euthanasia within the United States. During this time, many physicians began arguing for euthanasia and the first attempt at legalization occurred. It was proposed to the American Humane Society as a bill that did not pass. Later in the 1900s a bill was again proposed which again failed to pass but sparked an important controversial debate that has continued throughout