Explain the Concept of an Unequal Society
Autor: Sabrin Abdulle • March 27, 2018 • Research Paper • 3,495 Words (14 Pages) • 675 Views
P1:Explain the concept of an unequal society
Individuals get treated differently depending on their social class, race and gender. This creates an unequal society because not everyone has an equal social status, social group and social class.
Stereotyping: Stereotyping is holding an over generalised belief about a specific individual or group of people and believing that the particular group all share the same characteristics instead of taking into account that each individual is different.An example of stereotyping is that all individuals who follow Islam are terrorists. If this particular stereotype is widely believed it ignores the fact that the individual is different and leads to an unequal society.
Prejudice: Prejudice is to have a preconceived opinion about certain groups of people by holding a fixed attitudes and beliefs about the particular group.The preconceived opinion is usually a negative view on the group. An example of prejudice is thinking that all black men are criminals.This links close to discrimination and it can lead to treating that particular individual differently and unfavourable.
Labelling: Labelling is setting a certain judgment on an individual before looking at the individual’s characteristic. An example of labelling is labelling someone as an “emo” because of their dark hair, piercings and choice of clothing.
Attitudes: Attitude is the way an individual behaves, their set way of thinking. From the individuals attitude you can tell how they feel towards something or someone. An example of this is someone who doesn’t always see the positive side to thing and self doubts everything would have a negative attitude.
Discrimination: Discrimination is acting upon a preconceived opinion which sometimes leads to the individual who is being discriminated against to be excluded from groups. An example of discrimination is a employer may not employee an individual because of the colour of their skin and this may make the individual feel marginalised.
Marginalisation: Marginalisation is excluding or leaving out an individual by not allowing them have an active say, identity and denying them off certain resources and opportunities that the rest of society has access to. An example of marginalisation is denying an individual academic or professionals opportunities because of their sexuality.
Social exclusion/inclusion: Social exclusion can be a result from the other concepts. The main group that face social exclusion is the lower class or if they’re from certain ethnic groups. An example of a group that may experience social exclusion is individuals who are on low income and are unable to find employment, good housing and good health..