Global Health Care Concerns Mexico
Autor: Jasmin Taylor • April 6, 2016 • Essay • 1,222 Words (5 Pages) • 924 Views
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Global health Care Concerns Report
Family Health
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Topic: Demographics in Mexico
Bibliographic Citation:
Frenk, J. (n.d). Bridging the divide: global lessons from evidence-based health policy in Mexico. Lancet (North American Edition), 368(9539), 954-961.
Major Points:
- Transformation of Mexico’s health system due to the high degree of social inequality
- Half of the population was uninsured because a large number of families became impoverished by expenditures in health care and drugs.
- To help the poor families the health system called “Seguro Popular”, Popular Health Insurance, was created and initially covered 50 million Mexicans
- According to the article, this health system has encouraging results in the sense of health reformation and projects high-quality services with social protection for all.
- Seguro Popular covers the treatments for diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, cervical cancer, high blood pressure, and breast cancer.
- This new health system sounds appealing, however, I think it would be nice if the article incorporated in more detail how the health care was being funded and whether the income of that funding is stable enough to continue
- According to the article, in order to participate in a program called “ oportunidades”, which is to enhance the basic capabilities of families living in extreme poverty, the families must invest in their children by sending them to school rather than working. I doubt poor families could afford sending their kids to school due to the fact that schooling in Mexico is expensive; based on what I hear from my cousin that went to high school there and ended up dropping out because they had to pay 150 dollars per month for schooling and there were three of them attending at the time, so she began working instead.
- The article only invested in the positives of the programs and did not invest time in looking at some possible negative aspects that might come out of this new health system; for example, I have family that live in Mexico who state that the Seguro Popular does not help much because it does not cover all that is being promised and multiple times they have had to pay out of pocket with budgets that were meant for the weekly groceries expenses. I wonder whether there Is not enough funding anymore and that has influenced this change in health coverage.
Topic: Major healh problems/ causes of death for country:
Bibliographic Citation: Vasquez, Castellanos., Jose Luis., Panduro Cerda, Arturo. (2011). Investigation en health( Mexico: Universidad de Guadalajara)3: pp18-26.