Hcs 531 - Health Care Policy
Autor: sweet1000 • January 13, 2013 • Term Paper • 1,457 Words (6 Pages) • 1,722 Views
Health Care Policy
HCS 531
July 23, 2012
Debra Vaughn
President Barack Obama signed into law the Patients Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (PPACA), on March 23, 2010. The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (HCERA). Both two regulations collectively stated to as The Affordable Care Act. PPACA is aimed mainly at reducing the number of uninsured citizen and reducing the general expenditures of health care. The purpose of this paper is to explain description of the process of development of the law, who was involved in their perspective roles. In this paper discussion about PPACA policy’s or mandate’s impact on health care delivery, providers, and consumers. The new provisions are designed to increase coverage and be reachable to more uninsured citizens, and help them from losing health insurance coverage. The requirements will be changed in over time.
Process of PPACA, how it was developed, and who was involved
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is aimed primarily at providing the health care to all American and decreasing the prices of health care. According to "Health Care Costs And Election 2008 - Kaiser Family Foundation" (2008), " In 2008 the total health care spending was $2.4 trillion, an average of $7,868 per person, the share of the economy (GDP) devoted to national health spending has increased from 7.2% in 1970 to an estimated 16.6% in 2008. According to "Highlights: 2010 - U.s Census Bureau" (2011),” In 2010, the number of uninsured rose to 49.9 million, or 16.3 % of the population. The patient protection and affordable care act upsurges access to health insurance coverage for people of all ages. The United States became the last developed nation in the world to provide all citizens with access to health care in 2010. The PPACA is the first major health care reform since Medicare and Medicaid created. The bill contains provisions whereas some gears of the PPACA went into effect in 2010, numerous of the changes will be take place 2014. In 2009 bipartisan group of senators worked together to develop a consensus on Health care reform. The senators assessed that a positive bipartisan bill is a possible. Former senate majority Leaders Tom Daschle (D-S.D), Howard Baker( R-Tenn.), and Bob Dole (R-Kan.) released the outline of a bipartisan health care reform proposal in June 2009, under the auspices of the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) ("Articles - National Academy Of Elder Law Attorneys,” 2011). The offer comprise many of the same requirements endorsed as a part of PPACA such as medical expansions, insurance market reforms, delivery system reforms, state-based insurance exchange, tax credits,