Perception on Catcalling
Autor: Jasmin Delos Reyes • August 4, 2019 • Research Paper • 4,047 Words (17 Pages) • 1,078 Views
Background of the Study
In a prevailing country like the Philippines where implementation of laws especially to cases and incidents that involve sexual harassment has been very weak. Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual behavior that happens to both men and women in every corner such us in a workplace, school, the street and even in our household which we consider a safe space. Sexual harassment happens every day and everywhere to everyone. It is sad to think that it may be as common as the cold. The virus of this crime comes in many forms — sexism, power relations, psychological factors, moral and cultural values — and depends on each situation. Each case is nevertheless a violation of human rights (Cabral, 2017).
As cited by Cabral (2017), three in five women and Eighty-eight percent of women who are 18 to 24 years old have experienced sexual harassment at least once in their lifetime, according to a survey conducted in 2016 by the Social Weather Stations, as part of UN Women’s Safe Cities Metro Manila Programme.
One of the most experienced and widely observed form of sexual harassment/street harassment is Catcalling. Catcalling is a term referring to when a person whistles, yells, hollers, or makes a comment to another person in a sexual manor. It’s something that happens thousands of times a day all over the world (Women’s Republic, 2017). According to De Guzman (2015), catcalling, wich may be done meters away from the victim, does not require physical contact at all. After all, physical contact can fall under sexual abuse or assault. Nonetheless, it poses fear and possible threats in the mind of the victim.
Although, there is a bill that seeks to penalize catcalling and other forms of public harassment, which is the Senate Bill No. 1326 or the Safe Streets and Public Spaces Act of 2017; there are still tremendous cases and incidents of catcalling and street harassment that are being filed and reported to authorities every day. While the saddest part is that some are just not being reported to because of humiliation, afraid of speaking out and lack of witness and evidence.
So, we the researchers conducted a study about the Perception of Humanities and Social Sciences students of Cavite National High School – Senior High School S.Y. 2018-2019 on Catcalling to further know if they have an idea regarding the said issue, also, to know their stand in such matters. Furthermore, the researchers were motivated to conduct this, because the researchers themselves experience unsolicited comments, especially from truck drivers and bystanders in the street.
Statement of the Problem
Being socially aware is a very important matter in our society, especially to our country where there are a number of prevailing issues and problems arises, and one matter or issue to that is Sexual Harassment in the form of Catcalling. This research aims to study the Perception of Cavite National High School – Senior High School students under the HUMSS strand about catcalling. Specifically it aims to answer the following:
- How often does catcalling happen among the students of CNHS - SHS?
- How does catcalling affect the person that experienced it?
- Which gender (men/women) experiences catcalling more often?
- Which gender (men/women) usually does the catcalling?
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to know the perception of the students of Cavite National High School-Senior High School under the Academic track of Humanities and Social Sciences. This study aims to discover and to know how aware the students are in the issue of catcalling on our community and if they’re not that aware regarding the topic then this study will serve as an eye-opener and can help broaden their knowledge about catcalling.