Political Case - Ihealth Care Reform
Autor: Antonio • September 30, 2011 • Essay • 367 Words (2 Pages) • 2,027 Views
iHealth Care Reform: There is no way that the Obama plan can work to improve health care. Greater than 600 billion for just 50 million is stupid. Especially when it is more like 20 million some of the 50 million do not want health insurance, others are illegal aliens being counted and do not deserve tax payer paid insurance. The tax payer money you are using already for Medicaid which is joke and Medicare which I consider a week insurance does not work and is bankrupt. IF you can't pay for just the old and just the poor how are going to pay for the rest? I know president always says people can keep their current plan if they like it, but what planet is he on why would a tax payer want to pay a premium for his personal insurance and as well continue losing money out of his check for government plan, why not just take the government plan. Although you're health care will be difficult with the government plan, because of the large rationing of care it will take for tax payers to be able to afford. People will have to have private insurance anyway to get treated in timely manner. This is how Government Insurance works look around it has been tried is America so arrogant it thinks it will be different this time.
Cap and Trade: It sounds good but it is not a good idea. Once again those people that work hard through there life to have a house are going to get punished. Electric bills will go up and way up. All energy will continue to cost more for everyone except the people that can't afford and then you will just take more money from those that can so others can have until those that have no longer have or they just leave. The reason why the energy is not green is because it cost too much at this time to make it that way. And the government is no help every time someone wants to do something in that sector you sanction, tax, and regulate the crap out of them.