Ride to Cancer
Autor: 10iz • February 9, 2012 • Essay • 364 Words (2 Pages) • 1,355 Views
The bike represents so much about our important journey. A journey that started long before this morning, and one that will continue as long as cancer exists. That’s because this bike represents the person who once rode it; a father, a sister, a mother, a son, wife, friends, once so alive, but now gone, leaving un-ridden bikes in our homes and unfilled spaces in our lives, space that can’t be whole as it was, with laughter, friendship, love, life. But rather than loss, this bike reveals the strength that endures, the memory that remains. It reminds us, that although absent from our site, our loved ones are here with us. They are present, giving us purpose with each pedal of our journey, and the strength to carry us through. But just as we embark with the spirit of those lost, we must not forget to bring the fight of the living. The survivors! Yes, this bike right here represents its escorts today, and everyone out there in the crowd with the yellow flags, we represent you. look around. These are the people that have taken on the fight of all fights. People who this morning hold the very gifts the helped them get here today. Hope, courage, strength. But even more, they stand among us with the greatest gift of all; life. Each new day, another chance to be a dad to a son, a daughter to a mother, a friend to a friend. These are the people worth fighting for. The people in and around you with the yellow flags on their bikes, the survivors still battling are worth fighting for. Why do we ride? Because our sweat is nothing compared to their tears. Because our challenge is nothing compared to their fight. Because we are all on one journey, to conquer cancer in our lifetime. Keep this in your minds and in your hearts as you make your way through the streets and out the countryside. Be proud of what you’ve done here, and with that I say…. .Enjoy the ride!!!!!!!!