Social Racism
Autor: kperez42 • September 12, 2013 • Essay • 998 Words (4 Pages) • 1,177 Views
Imagine if you see red and blue lights flashing ,questioning, what you did wrong. Your scared; the officer ordered you to pull over. They force you to roll down your window. They force you to get out of the car humiliating you. They force you to put your hands on your head. They force you to not say a word. Searching the car, they find nothing. They never worry about how we feel. You question “Why did I get pulled over?” “Is it because im brown”? Unsure, you just get back in your car and drive away.
Racial profiling is an act where just because you have colored skin you are looked at negatively and suffer consequences of it. Effected, people of color are frisked and arrested everyday. Law Enforcement harasses and discriminates against people of color in their own communities. Racial Profiling was brought up in order to get white peoples votes. For Drug arrests in colored communities agencies were given money. This affened and annoyed people of color but they still have to live their lives questioning everything. So we should abolish racial profiling because all men were created equal and should be treated the same. Ignored, Blacks and Hispanics aren’t treated the same.
Linda Chavez states that she feels safer and that there “just doing there job”. Tyranny fills colored people with fear resulting in that they never can live a normal life. Black people are terrified because when they get pulled over they think there going to get arrested. “Sergeant Gerald was pulled over and interrogated. He was ordered out of his car and handcuffed…. They separated Greg from his father and locked him in a police vehicle… They dismantled parts of the car… Greg of course was petrified. When the ordeal ended, he wept uncontrollably”.(Herbert) An effect is black people now look at police as more of the bad person instead of the people who keep us safe and not trust them anymore. Black people are terrified that they may get pulled over and get arrested, resulting in they may never live a normal life.
Linda Chavez states that not all racial profiling is “wrong” and “ineffective”. Targeted, people of color are looked at as the drug dealers and eventually become the person everyone thought they were. African Americans are seen as the bad person in polices eyes. “State and Law Enforcements gain money for drug arrests in communities of color “. Drugs can also be found in white communities and university grounds. An effect it has on African Americans is that there just going to turn into the people there stereotyped as which are drug dealers. Profiled, Not all people of color are drug dealers; instead, most are successful, focused individuals. Dismayed and outraged African Americans are seen as the bad people and will become the bad person ;because, they are profiled that way.
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