Social Resposibility
Autor: bobazhar63 • November 2, 2012 • Essay • 552 Words (3 Pages) • 1,244 Views
The concepts of social responsibility and ethics require an understanding of the stakeholder
view of the organization. Whereas the traditional view of socially responsible behavior
considers only the stockholders, contemporary theory recognizes a much broader group of
constituents stakeholders. Stakeholders include any individual or group that is affected by or
can affect the organization. Corporate social responsibility has been the subject of much
controversy and debate over the last several decades. Although the concept defies precise
definition, in a very general sense social responsibility refers to the interaction between
business and the social environment in which it exists. The concept of social responsibility
rests on two premises which are social contract and moral agent. Three perspectives of
corporate social responsibility have significant support from both practitioners and
academics. The economic responsibility perspective suggests that the only social
responsibility of business is to maximize profits within the "rules of the game."
The public responsibility perspective argues that business has an obligation to act in a way
that is consistent with society's overall expectations of business. Social responsiveness
supporters suggest that it is the responsibility of business to act proactively to improve the
welfare of society.
There are four distinct strategies for responding to social issues. These strategies, which span
a continuum ranging from "do nothing" to "do much," are reaction, defense, accommodation,
and pro action. Although none of these strategies is appropriate for all organizations, the
accommodation and pro action approaches to social responsibility are appropriate in most
As organizations consider a strategy for social responsibility, a number of "commandments"
should be considered. In general, these commandments suggest that organizations should be
observant of social issues, honest with their constituents, cooperative with stakeholders with