State of Environment in India
Autor: ayushkohli • July 20, 2011 • Essay • 333 Words (2 Pages) • 2,051 Views
India with its wide biological diversity and varied climatic
conditions has a unique environment that sustains a rich
variety of plant and animal life.However, country’s economic
development based on intensive use of natural resources and
polluting industrial technology, has been causing extensive
degeneration of our environmental assets over the years.
Activities such as extraction, processing, manufacture,
transport, communication and disposal change the stock of
natural resources and cause harm to our environment
Economic Development And Environmental
Environmental problems have grown substantially over the
past half a century due to the process of economic
development. The production technologies and production
patterns under the development plans directly led to
Atmospheric pollution(air and water), continued poverty,etc.
Major Environmental Concerns
Land And Soil Degradation
Land is the most important productive asset. The whole
superstructure of agriculture and agro-based activities is
found on land. Out of the total geographical area of
329million hectares of land, about 175 million hectares (or
about 53% of total area) are considered to be degraded.
Erosion by water and wind is the