The Effect of Jihadi-Salafism on the Radicalization Process of American Homegrown Terrorists
Autor: John • July 13, 2014 • Essay • 1,630 Words (7 Pages) • 1,057 Views
The Effect of Jihadi-Salafism on the Radicalization Process of American Homegrown Terrorists
Concept Paper
Murrieta, California
Sept 2012
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Statement of the Problem 3
Purpose of the Study 4
Research Questions 5
Summary 6
References 8
Islamic radicalization is a rising phenomenon. Radicalization is defined as a process in which “individuals adopt extreme political, social, and/or religious ideals and aspirations, and where the attainment of particular goals justifies the use of indiscriminate violence” (Wilner & Dubouloz, 2010, p. 38). Wattana (2006) documented the rising threat from Islamic radicalization in the terrorist violence that broke out in Southern Thailand in April of 2004. The problem of Islamic radicalization is not clearly understood by security agencies at the state and local level; neither is this phenomenon or its ramifications grasped by the public in general or most academics (Wattana, 2006). There are, however, various factions within the Islamic fundamentalist genre that utilize terrorism as a tool of their ideology (Byman, 2007; Dalgaard-Nielsen, 2010; Dawson, 2010). Among the most deadly and prolific Islamic fundamentalists are groups that are heavily influenced by Jihadi-Salafi ideology (Dawson, 2010). Jihadi Salafi ideology teaches that violence is a legitimate method of effecting political and social change by Muslims (Cottee, 2010). Jihadi Salafi reflects one of two factions within the Salafi community that adhere to a puritanical interpretation of the Quran and that use religious texts as the basis for violence (Cottee, 2010). Jihadi Salafi groups can be characterized as more dangerous and intractable than other Salafi groups, lean heavily on ultra conservative Islamic religious tradition, and are more opposed to the Western ideals than other Salafi groups (Hegghammer, 2009).
Research into the radicalization of U.S. citizens has been broadened by further exploration of the phenomenon of homegrown terrorism. Homegrown terrorists can be classified as individuals of Western citizenship who have adopted a radical interpretation of Islam and are not tied to any particular