The Long-Term Effects of Globalization on the Enjoyment of Individual Human Rights and on Social and Cultural Identities
Autor: Khanhhoa Phan • March 25, 2016 • Research Paper • 1,967 Words (8 Pages) • 1,046 Views
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1. Better promotion and protection of human rights?
2. Homogenization of social and cultural identities?
Over the last decades, the rapid acceleration of a process so called “globalization” has shifted our society to an era where interconnectedness, integration and interactions centered in the development of a new world, where everyone and everything are linked together one way or another. In a few recent decades, with the development in communication and technology that the world has witnessed the rapid increase in international trade, investment, immigration and the culture assimilation at an unprecedented quantity and quality never recorded before in human history. As such, globalization can be interpreted in some main characteristics: disembedding, acceleration, interconnectedness, movement, mixing, and vulnerability and re embedding. Characterized by these features, effects of globalization on different aspects are various but one cannot deny its long-term impacts on the enjoyment of human rights as well as social and cultural identities.
On the one hand, people argue that this globalizing trend means homogenization of culture and social identities which diminishes the attainment of human rights, while the others believed that the concept itself not only enhance and liberate the full enjoyment of such basic rights of each individual but also mix and produce diversity of identities. Therefore, the following arguments of the essay will be structured in a way that would analyze both negative and positive positions of globalization that might affect society in a long run. The essay will start by stating that while global development has made the law of human rights become more universal to both individual, organization and government which might eventually result in better enjoyment and appreciation of these undeniable rights, globalization simultaneously creates an unevenly distributed material context where human rights abuses conglomerates. Second part of the essay will then deal with social and cultural identities concepts and its definition as well as explain whether they are being strengthened or undermined under the influence of globalization process.