Topic: Etienne Lantier from Germinal on Dignity at Work
Autor: David Shao • April 22, 2016 • Research Paper • 1,987 Words (8 Pages) • 911 Views
Topic: Etienne Lantier from Germinal on dignity at work
Today, I wish to offer my reflection on the importance of dignity at work, and the challenges of gaining dignity in workplace. I believe I am the right person to talk about how miners suffers from extremely grim and high-risk working condition and unfair remuneration because I, as a former engine-man, was fired and driven from Lille and now make a living as a miner in coal mining town of Montsou. To defend our dignity at work, we need to defend our inherent human rights and take actions that are worthy of respect by others. We almost forget the workers like us are also human being, we enjoy the same human rights as the managers and bosses. Diseases and death are all around us as we buried our heads and bodies into mine and working day and night. Freeman and Rogers (1999) pointed out that one’s dignity will be defended by resisting infringements on dignity and insisting on being treated with respect. These are also a few reasons I started and organised the striking with miners to against capitalism; Fighting for the dignity, the right and the salary we should have earned; Gaining respects from the managers; Making them pay attention to their workers. However, the purpose of my present discourse is to emphasize the importance of dignity at work, point out the main challenges of defend dignity at work and the crucial effects of losing dignity in workplace which made mine workers suffering through the timeline of striking. This is a significant issue which not only relate to workers’ well-being, but also associate with the entire society’s sustainable development. This essay will be discussed into three parts based on Hadson’s view of dignity at work which are mismanagement and abuse, overwork, and political right and unequal political right inequality and oligarch capitalism. The ‘Four Faces of Working with Dignity’ are the main orientations to analysing our miners’ dignity at work.(Hadson, 2001)
Main body
Mismanagement and abuse
Mining is not a good work, we are forced to do this kind of dirty job to make a living. For Maheus’ family, they just want to earn few francs to raise the whole family. However ‘A good boss can make a difficult job bearable and a bad one can make otherwise good work a nightmare.’ As Hadson (2001) states that dignity is realized through resistance against denials of one’s dignity, such as those arising from abusive bosses or bad management practices. (dignity at work p4). When working all day only got 3 francs or even less if we make mistakes, hearing Paul Négrel, the engineer yelling and commanding about planting props and doubling the timbering, the only thing the miners can do is murmuring behind the boss