Autor: rickdavisuw • October 3, 2016 • Essay • 1,041 Words (5 Pages) • 663 Views
Christian Quezada
Mr. Loy
ENGL 0803
Unit 2
November 15, 2014
What is a diet? The dictionary gives us two definition the first is what kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats. The second is a special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons. In all realty a diet is the habit of an individual wither its drink water or down a liter of soda, eats burgers every day or chooses a healthier alternative. Veganism is a practice of abstaining from the use of animal products this is an interesting eating habits. This prates is in use in different area of the world. The term fist arrived in England 1944 by Donald Watson one of the founders of the diet. This paper will give a brief explanation of the effects of this dietary plan like the Physical Benefits, Nutrition and Disease Prevention of this diet.
Physical benefits there are tons of Physical benefits to going vegan ranging from large to small . there have been several study [a]that allocate this clam that when a person go vegan the BMI (body mass index ) show that a diet without meat leads to lower BMIs–usually an indicator of a healthy weight and lack of fat one the body in Addison to weight loss. This is very common when going vegan along with the weight loss there are still other physical benefit. In Taylor Mackenzie case a known friend that is vegan told the writer that when she stared this diet she was around 183 lbs. and was feeling insecure sluggish and all-round bad but on September 2014 she decide to lose weight with the vegan life style she eat more vegetables stared taking vitamins cut out meats and anything to do with dairy as of now she is at 164 lbs. “ I feel amazing more energy and the loss of weight makes me feel amazing inside”. As a reslolt of gong vegan she clams to having more energy throw out the day and sheading 19 lbs help here with self-confidents a ,all out positive for anyone looking to go vegan