War on Uns
Autor: Jmacs94 • October 27, 2015 • Research Paper • 1,185 Words (5 Pages) • 763 Views
In America the death toll on average for cigarettes is 443,000 people a year according to the CDC ( Center for Disease Control). There are 5.25 million fatal automobile accidents a year.Finally there are nine Countries currently in civil war.According to the FBI Uniform Crime Report, between 2006 and 2010 47,856 people were murdered in the U.S. by firearms. There was a reason our founding fathers gave us the right to bear arms.It was to make sure we can secure our three basic liberties to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
In the Bill of Rights ( The first ten amendments to the constitution) states β The people may keep a well regulated militia , being necessary for a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms,shall not be infringed.β Our Founding Fathers were afraid that our federal government might one day ruled by a tyrannical maniac. So to protect the people they put in this Amendment just in case of foreign attack or even civil war.
With a growing military how are the people supposed to protect themselves from the government. This country may not have these problems right now but in the future anything can happen. During World War II Hitler took all the guns away from the people. Hitler when he seized power one of the first things he implemented were harsh gun control laws. He was able to identify the gun owners seize the guns, effectively disarming his opponents and paving the way to the genocide of the Jewish people.
Now people in the inter cities scream that guns are a major reason that there crimes. However the people who are committing these crimes most likely acquired these guns illegally. βATF officials say that only about 8% of the nation's 124,000 retail gun dealers sell the majority of handguns that are used in crimes. They conclude that these licensed retailers are part of a block of rogue entrepreneurs tempted by the big profits of gun trafficking. Cracking down on these dealers continues to be a priority for the ATF. What's needed, according to Wachtel, is better monitoring of the activities of legally licensed gun dealers. This means examining FFL paperwork to see where their guns are coming from, and making sure that those guns are being sold legally. But he says, "Let's be honest. If someone wants a gun, it's obvious the person will not have difficulty buying a gun, either legally or through the extensive United States black market."β (PBS). So if we take all the guns away from the people who buy them legally. We are giving the people who own illegal guns more a reason to rob your home, rob you in the street, or kill you because they know you don't have protection.
The reason people need heavy weaponry is because you will not be able to take down a ruthless and radicle government with a .22 mm pistol. Why don't we ban cars or trucks? Say a 4000 pound car decides not to drive on the street and drive on the sidewalk