Why We Need a Criminal Jutsice System
Autor: hannah • July 11, 2011 • Essay • 410 Words (2 Pages) • 1,466 Views
The criminal justice system is needed to protect society. The system aims to keep peace and balance producing a homeostasis environment ensuring that society functions in the best way possible. The system creates this by enforcing laws and handing out punishments to people who break these laws. The system not only enforces punishment but also promotes rehabilitation so the criminal can than enter back into a functioning society and participate as a citizen.
There are three separate components of the criminal justice system which is policing, courts and corrections. All three parts each play an important role in keeping a balanced society. In this essay I will discuss why these three components are important. Through history Society has also seen many changes in the criminal justice system one example being the death penalty becoming illegal in Australia. With each change there is hope that a better society will be formed and more humane punishments will be produced. Now In the twenty first century Instead of justice such as punishment being the last component of the system we now see more rehabilitation occurring with hope that the criminal can one day function and enter back into society.
The first contact that offenders will have with the criminal justice system will be the police (Wikipedia, 2011). The police help prevent crimes and keep society safe and functioning. The police aim to maintain law and order, detect criminals even before a crime is committed, ensure that our roads are safe and help the government intervene with any matters ( Wikipedia, 2011). The police process a lot of data and decide whether or not the crime is worth pursuing and following up in court. The police help to enforce laws and uphold a stable society. They may also help the criminals with the Rehabilitation process after the punishment has been handed out. This is to encourage criminals to not re- offend ( Wikipedia, 2011).
Rehabilitation is needed whilst and