Canadian Shield - Information System Pilot Project Options
Autor: A. Rocha • February 28, 2018 • Essay • 696 Words (3 Pages) • 882 Views
Executive Summary
To: Seamus Reynolds, IS department manager for Canadian Shield Insurance
From: TAMU Consulting
Subject:CANADIAN SHIELD:Information System Pilot Project Options
Date:February 21, 2018
With vast growth comes vast change. Assurance Centrale Inc.`s geographical scope of the Canadian insurance market expanded due to the acquisitions of smaller regional insurance companies. This company expansion resulted in various information systems being used throughout the company. Although this integration challenge poses a threat it also presents an opportunity to implement a dynamic and agile Information System for the long run.It is a great task overseeing a critical pilot project that could potentially replace the Information System in all of Assurance Centrale`s regional offices. The viability for widespread implementation is determined through successful application at Canadian Shield in Emonton ( regional level). The formal decision at hand is to stick with the ISS system that is long overdue and is great in theory but impractical for everyday use or propose the adoption of a superior commercial system using radical change (BPR) that meets all the CSI requirements but will be a CLIM due to the waste of a million dollars and 5 years of priceless time. The insurance industry in Canada is heavily regulated both at federal and provincial levels. This puts a strains on both operational efficiency and flexibility in adapting to different geographical regions. An apt strategy to first implement a new system at the regional level was great business defensive mechanism on Assurance Centrale part. The decision to replace the current ALPHA system at CSI was spurred by need of frequent modification to keep up with government regulations and regular functionality user tasks. Adaptation is vital and the outdated system was not cutting it. At the time of initial search for the golden IS, every off the shelf system failed to accommodate the need for flexibility required for the canadian environment. Ultimately CSI took the opportunity to develop an in house Information system.