Cybersecurity Capstone Simulation
Autor: sai_adams • July 9, 2016 • Research Paper • 3,872 Words (16 Pages) • 1,465 Views
Individual Assignment Two
University of Maryland, University College
CSEC 670 (9020)
Cybersecurity Capstone
August 7, 2015
Summary of Support Preparation
Cybersecurity Capstone Simulation Manual
Analysis of Team Status
Summary of Team Activity Results
Round One Results
Round Two Results
Round Three Results
Round Four Results
Balancing Conflicting Goals
Conflicting Goal Round One
Conflicting Goal Round Two
Conflicting Goal Round Three
Conflicting Goal Round Four
Lessons Learned
Team Strategy
Cyber Defense Technology
This paper focused on the preparation, analysis, research and strategy the Federal Team had to complete in order to survive the Cybersecurity Capstone Simulation or scenario. The Federal Team did fairly well during the scenario and was able to learn thru the scenario what real world incidents might occur and how difficult the job of a cyber professional could be.
The Federal Team also learned how the decisions that were made affected other teams and how their decisions affected the Federal Team, which made analysis a challenge at times. The scenario was successful in challenging students and making them understand the real world affects that could occur, should improper analysis or research fail to be conducted.
Summary of Support Preparation
In order to prepare for the task of supporting and making decisions as a team member of the Federal Team in each round it was necessary to conduct research and analysis. The first task was to read all of the scenario documents for each team, including our own Federal Team scenario. In order to understand how each team affected one another in the decision making process, it must be understood how each team individually works.