Good and Bad Benefits That Could Get from Playing Computer Games
Autor: nymfa • December 12, 2013 • Research Paper • 1,658 Words (7 Pages) • 1,710 Views
Good and Bad benefits that could get from playing Computer Games
Good and Bad benefits that could get from playing Computer Games
Gaming today is a widely recognized part of our cultural landscape. But those of us over thirty are just old enough to remember a time before gaming, before digital entertainment invaded the arcades, our computers and our homes.Gaming itself is as old as history. Artifacts from ancient Sumeria and Egypt have shown that our ancestors enjoyed playing board games thousands of years ago. But electronic games required the invention of electronic computers. early programmers felt compelled to waste time by making these computers do things like playing tic-tac-toe. After World War II, electronic computers moved out of the realm of cutting-edge laboratories and into universities and large corporations.The concept of hooking up an electronic game system to a television set was invented by Ralph Bauer in the early 1950s. Later he took his ideas to the TV Company, Magnavox, which released a refined version of his "Brown Box" prototype as the Magnavox Odyssey in 1972. The Odyssey was primitive, displaying only spots of light on the TV screen, and it required translucent plastic overlays to simulate the appearance of a game. Still, the revolution was underway, and there was to be no stopping it.
Almost everyone has been exposed to some kind of computer game be it role playing games, puzzle, including fitness, commuting, music teaching, education, and even surveillance. Some game designers believe that games have the potential to transform and improve the world because of games, action games played on a console, a personal computer, or a handheld device. Because of this sudden interest in computer games, concerns about its effects, may it be positive or negative, arise. Being in a modern world, we naturally question these things. Is it a safe practice to play these games? Will it bring any good?
Although many people think that it is unhealthy to play computer games, I believe that, in moderation, computer games can be beneficial in many ways such as in leisure and experience, learning, as well as improving our cognitive, logical, and managerial skills. The power and popularity of games has seen the spread of game mechanics to other spheres of lifethe engagement they engender in their players, something that is missing in many young people's lives.
Interactive video and computer games belong to the new multimedia culture that is based on the digital computer technology. These games have become increasingly popular in the past 20 to 25 years, especially among young people. In the beginning they were mainly played by youth and young adults who were enthusiastic about computers. During the early nineties, however, video and computer games became a matter-of-course