New Approach in Mobile Telecom Operators Analysis
Autor: Ezhumalai Barath • April 13, 2018 • Research Paper • 4,641 Words (19 Pages) • 717 Views
New approach in mobile telecom operators analysis “Analysis of Eight Key Fields”
Igor Jurčić Business Marketing Department J.P. Hrvatske telekomunikacije d.d. Mostar Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina;
Sven Gotovac Department for Electronics and Computing University of Split Split, Croatia
Abstract—Modern mobile telecom operators will be exposed to huge changes in following period. Their approach to business and business modeling will be completely different in comparison with today’s business modeling. These changes will be conjoint under the name “Vision 2020 in ICT sector”. All today existing analysis and modellings (SWOT, PESTLE, Porter’s Five Forces, techno-economic analysis, etc.) show subjectivity and incompleteness. In this article will be analyzed the current situation on the telecom market and also it will be proposed completely new way of analysis for mobile telecom operators – Analysis of Eight Key Fields (EKF Analysis). It will be described the main advantages of this approach for modern mobile operator and it will be shown very roughly an example of one key field for analysis.
Keywords—modern mobile operators, actual analysis, Vision 2020, EKF Analysis.
I. INTRODUCTION Nowadays, modern mobile operators offer a lot of different products and services to their customers. Almost all of these products and services are based on 4G/4G+ ie. LTE or LTE Advanced technologies and mainly all of them are quite similar. Essentially, their differences are as large as marketing products and services development teams have strong and expressed creativity due to development of products and services and due to defining prices and pricing options for them. However, the following time and changes in telecom sector, those are the most obvious through “Vision 2020 in ICT sector”, will bring many news and new products and services in ICT sector. Thus, creativity in ICT sector will be significant more than ever before if mobile telecom operators want to offer completely new products and services to their customers. Those following changes, which were described by “Vision 2020 in ICT sector” and those were already called “the fourth industrial revolution” by many experts, will not bring only the shift in mobile generation networks, but they will bring “shift in mindset” and shift in approach to creativity of new customer’s products and services.
A. The situation on world’s telecom market Modern mobile (and fixed) telecom operators have already started preparing themselves for following changes. Almost all international mobile telecom operators (such as: Vodafone, Telefonica, DT, Orange,….) and the biggest mobile telecom equipment