Oomd Question Bank
Autor: simba • November 8, 2011 • Study Guide • 530 Words (3 Pages) • 2,289 Views
1. What are assignments you have done.
2. What you have done as part of term work
3. Give explanation of any one diagram from your assignment
4. What is the tool you are using and its features
5. Will it support UML 2.0
6. Which tools support UML 2.0
7. What are the other tools available for modeling with UML and what version of UML they support
8. What is abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Message sending wrt objects
9. What are the oo concepts are implemented in C++/Java and how
10. What are the merits of Object oriented approach ?
1. What OMG stands for?
2. Name different standards given by OMG and their latest version
3. What is the aim of MDA
4. When UML became OMG standard
5. Is RUP an evolutionary model?
6. Name the phases in RUP and activities in each phase
7. Can RUP be applied to all projects
8. What is 4+1 view architecture
9. What is relation between model and view
10. What is importance of modeling
11. State modeling principles
12. Why more than one view is needed in s/w modeling
13. Which different notations are unified in UML
14. What is latest version of UML
15. What is workflow in RUP
16. Define---artifact, stakeholder, work product, activity, phase
17. Why to model the architecture of s/w
18. Name OO concepts to be applied in modeling
19. Why is it necessary to have variety of diagrams in a model of a system
20. Which diagrams give a static view of a system
21. Which diagrams give dynamic view of a system
22. What are building blocks of UML
23. What are things, relationships and Diagrams in UML
24. What are the main packages of UML meta model
25. What is the superstructure of UML 1.4/2.0