Social Network Case
Autor: mikenguyen • October 8, 2013 • Essay • 679 Words (3 Pages) • 1,148 Views
In this fast paced growing of technology and the intense level of people around the globe are using the internet, the social network has become an important part of everyone’s life. Since then, the movement of social network such as: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc. are fascinating and the entire modern business world seems in its rush. For that reason, I strongly encourage to take our business to the social network is necessary.
According to CNN .com, the Facebook exceeded one billion active users by the end of 2012 and continue to grow throughout 2013; therefore; I believe Facebook is an effective online marketing channel that we should consider. My strategy to market our business on Facebook as follow: create Facebook page, connect with people, and engage our audience. I would put a unique cover photo of our company and slogan along with our unique categories of our products. I then create multiple ads to help attractive the customer. For instance, we could advertise our new product by offering customer with coupons (printable coupon ½ price off perhaps) to try it. We should create like/dislike, FAQ, a polls to get customer feedback on our current and new product. Because Facebook is like a word of mouth, when people start conversation with the post, their friends are also able to see the activity and get involve. And when they hit ‘like’ button on the product, we can promote those activities to their friends as well. Moreover, Facebook has many advantages, I can single out a few things: the cost of maintain and initialize are very low, the ability to interact with customer almost immediately, while 24/7 time interaction is very pervasive and powerful in the social networking environment. And Facebook communication has superior strength compare to traditional communication channel.
In addition, I would like to introduce another active social network that also benefit our company’s business is blog. The blogs have a great benefit of readership