The Internet
Autor: peter • March 16, 2011 • Research Paper • 1,793 Words (8 Pages) • 1,741 Views
Internet has been the most useful tool in connecting the world together. It would be obvious to say that no doubt it has taken the world by storm. Today our lives are dependent upon it and without it most of the companies and businesses in the world cannot continue due to the fact that it is one of the basics mean of communication. Virtual reality and imagination are the world we now live in due to this device. Through internet we can chat with friends, pay our bills, shop online and do various jobs that are difficult to do physically. Internet is handy, accessible and is quite advantageous. Everything electronic device which is being brought into the market nowadays is incomplete without this recourse. From laptops to cell phones everything has this feature of internet for the user's ease. And after the creation of web based groups and social networking websites people all around the world interact and meet people. It establishes many things which were imaginary to many people before it was available.
The internet is a world wide system based upon the typical internet protocol suite also known as TCP/IP that connects computers and helps the users globally. Connected by a large collection of electrical and optical networking equipments, the internet is an arrangement of network that contains numerous amount of different other networks like government, business, academics and others. Particularly hypertext papers of World Wide Web (WWW), the internet is a collection of a huge of information and performs communication through electronic mail.
The creation of internet began after the Russians launched space satellite Sputnik 1 and made the United States desperate of getting the lead in arms and technological race again. So after US President Dwight Eisenhower created the ARPA agency while this agency took the charge of making IPTO organization to work hard on the SAGE program to help US defend against some space powered nuclear attack due to US-Soviet cold war. Therefore in 1969 ARPANET came into being and was then replaced by TCP/IP protocol. It was withdrawn in 1990 and moved to NSFNET which got allied to CSNET and linked North American universities. Later on it was also connected to EUNET which made it possible to perform these facilities in Europe and by 1995 it was all around the world (Corner E. D. 2006).
The size of the internet is quite gigantic such that it is compared to the size of the universe. According to a research if you up fill up an ordinary room by 2 terabyte hard disks than approximately 450 hard disk would fit in it, so you need almost 1000 of these rooms to download the internet. This means the size is roughly 1YB (yottabyte), that would make it about 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 bytes worth information on the internet (Gralla P, 2002). Therefore it is quite a large amount and is still growing when