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Chinese Language Free Term Papers


199 Chinese Language Free Papers: 1 - 25

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Last update: March 12, 2015
  • Does the Chinese Written Language Facilitate Creativity in Chinese Poetry?

    Does the Chinese Written Language Facilitate Creativity in Chinese Poetry?

    Every second that passes is history. It is sometimes easy to forget that every moment is a completely new moment and therefore has never occurred before. David Lodge in The State of the Language is aware of the forever changing universe and makes an amazing connection between time and language. He says, “any language is necessarily a finite system applied with different degrees of creativity to an infinite variety of situations, and most of the

    Essay Length: 1,853 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: December 15, 2012 Autor: pagliaro
  • Innovation - Chinese Car

    Innovation - Chinese Car

    With the foundation of the background information and problem presented above, the primary research question would focus on finding out whether Chinese car customers are willing to purchase a hybrid vehicle when understanding the environmental benefits it brings but with a cost that is much higher than a vehicle of an equivalent class. In order to answer this research question, a series of more specific components questions would be studied deeply. Besides of evaluating the

    Essay Length: 384 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 1, 2011 Autor: peter
  • Chinese Magazine Najms

    Chinese Magazine Najms

    MBAMKT 671 Marketing Research North American Journal of Medicine & Science (NAJMS) May 13, 2010 Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Background Information 4 The Research Objective 6 Hypotheses 7 Research Method 8 Results 9 Summary of Findings 38 Limitation 40 Further Research 41 Conclusion 41 Bibliography 41 Executive Summary The research paper is based on the NAJMS (North American Journal of Medicine & Science) magazine. The research is process to understand and analyze the

    Essay Length: 5,341 Words / 22 Pages
    Submitted: March 8, 2011 Autor: moto
  • Letter to Board of Education - Learn a Second Language

    Letter to Board of Education - Learn a Second Language

    Dear Board of Education, Many of the students here at (insert high school) High School struggle to learn a second language. Maybe because they are lazy or because they're not willing to learn one or just because they just don't understand the language. I as a teenager who took Spanish understand all the difficulties of trying to learn a second language in one year. As a teenager we all have many things important to us.

    Essay Length: 444 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 8, 2011 Autor: Antonio
  • Chinese Currency

    Chinese Currency

    From 1995 to 2005 the Chinese Yuan was pegged to the U.S. dollar at the fixed exchange rate of 8.28 Yuan per U.S. dollar. The Chinese central bank bought and sold Chinese currency at the rate in order to ensure the exchange rate would remain fixed. The exchange rate was fixed to promote a stable environment for foreign trade and investment in China. The fixed exchange rate was accompanied by a policy of restricting capital

    Essay Length: 2,217 Words / 9 Pages
    Submitted: March 8, 2011 Autor: viki
  • Chinese Version of the Road

    Chinese Version of the Road

    路 第一节(1) 幽暗的森林,冰冷的夜晚,他醒来时,总要探手摸向睡在身旁的孩子。夜的黑,远胜过浓墨,白日则比那些逝去的日子更加灰暗了。就好像患了青光眼,生冷的眼珠模糊了这世界。他的手随着孩子每一次珍贵的呼吸,轻柔地起伏着。扯开塑料防水布,他从臭烘烘的大衣堆和几床毯子里直起身来,想从东方寻出一丝亮光,但根本没有。刚才那个将他唤醒的梦里,孩子正牵着他,在一个洞穴中漫游。照明用的光晃映着湿漉漉的钟乳石墙,仿佛哪个神话故事中写到的朝圣者,让花岗岩怪兽吞进肚子里,找不到出路。石壁深邃,只闻水滴发出的乐声,一分钟、一小时、一天、一年,周而复始,在这静谧中"嗒嗒"作响。终于,二人走进一个巨大的石室,那里躺着古老且水色深幽的湖。岸那边,一只兽从石头圈成的池塘中抬起涎水涟涟的嘴,如蜘蛛卵般惨白无神的双眼盯向光源。它的头贴着水面摇晃,似是要对自己无从看见的东西嗅出个究竟来。这只苍白、*、半透明的兽蹲伏在那里,雪花石膏色的骨架在其身后的岩石上印下了影子。以及肠子和跳动的心脏。脑则在晦暗的钟形玻璃罩中搏动。它的头来回摇晃,接着发出一声低鸣,猛地侧身,悄然跨入黑暗之中。 在第一缕灰色的光中,他留下仍在睡觉的男孩儿,起身走到路中间,蹲下来研究南面那一大片土地。荒芜、静寂、邪恶。他想,如今已是十月了。但并不确定。已有好几年没有使用日历了。他俩要往南去。再在这里忍一个冬天是会死的。 天亮了,可以使用双筒望远镜了。他朝底下的村子望去。一切都由黯淡渐入浓黑。那轻细的灰烬盘旋在柏油路上。他考察着每一样可见的事物。在下面那些死树间,断断续续穿插着几段路。要搜寻每一丝色彩。每一丝动静。每一筒升起的烟。他放下望远镜,扯下脸上的棉布口罩,拿手背蹭了蹭鼻涕,重又对准了村庄望去。最后,他只是坐在那儿,举着望远镜,眼瞧着灰白的日光冻结在地面之上。他只知道,孩子便是自己的命根子。他说过:儿子若不是上帝传下的旨意,那么上帝肯定未曾说过话。 回来之后,男孩儿仍睡着。他把搭在孩子身上的蓝色塑料防水布撤下来折好,拿到小推车那边包好装上,提回两只盘子和一个装了一些玉米面蛋糕的塑料袋,一塑料瓶糖浆。他把那张和孩子当做桌子使的小防水布铺在地上,每样东西都摆开来,又将皮带里插的手枪也放在布上面,随后便只坐在那儿,看男孩儿睡觉。夜里,他已脱下口罩,塞进毯子某个角落里了。他看看孩子,又透过树木向道路望去。这地方不安全。白天一来,从路那头就能发现他们。男孩儿在毛毯里翻了个身,接着睁开眼睛。嗨,爸爸,他开口道。 我在这儿。 我知道。 一小时之后,他们上路了。他推着小车,还和孩子每人背了个包。背包里装着他们的必需品,以防二人遇上不得不丢掉小车逃生的状况。车把手上夹着个黄色的摩托车反光镜,是他用来观测身后路面的。男人把背包肩带向上提了提,又往那片荒芜的村野望去。路上空空如也。小山谷底下,蜿蜒着一条灰而静的河。一动不动,轮廓分明。沿岸背负着一丛枯死的芦苇。你没事吧?他说着。男孩儿点点头。于是他们便在这泛金属色的冷光中,沿黑色山顶走下,时而穿梭于白蜡树中,彼此即是对方的整个世界。 路 第一节(2) 他俩走过一座旧水泥桥,跨过了河流。又过了几英里,只见路边出现一个加油站。二人站在路当中,观察着。我想我们得检查一下,男人说道。去看看。二人于杂草丛中破开一条路,灰尘随着草的摇曳附在他们身体上。他们穿过废旧的停车场,找到了连接压泵的储油池。池盖已经没了,男人支着胳膊肘趴下,朝管子里闻了闻,可根本没有汽油刺鼻的味儿,仅有淡且变质的气味。他站起身,观望整个加油站。这里的各个压泵和输油管安静得诡异。窗户完好无损。服务亭的门开着,他走了进去。一个金属工具箱立靠在墙上。他拉开抽屉,没有一样东西是用得着的。上好的半英寸的轴承。一个锯齿齿轮。他立在那里又扫视了一圈停车场。有只盛满垃圾的金属桶。再钻进办公室。灰尘满布。男孩儿就站在门口。一张金属桌、一台收银机。几本使用手册,已被浸得发胀变形。漏了洞的天花板上掉出卷曲而污迹斑斑的油毡。他跨过去,走到桌前,停住了。继而拿起电话话筒,拨下父亲家的号码,那许久以前的号码。孩子盯着他。你在干什么?他问道。 上路四分之一英里后,他停下来,往回看。我们没动脑子,他说道。我们得回去。于是将车推下了路,安置在一处隐蔽的地方,把二人的背包留了下来,又朝加油站走去了。到了服务亭,他拖出那个垃圾桶,整个翻转过来,一气儿把里面的塑料油瓶都扒了出来。接着,父子俩坐在地上,把这堆瓶子挨个倒过来,让残液滴进一只盘子中,最后,二人大约收集了半夸脱的机油。男人拧上塑料盖,找块破布擦了瓶子,握在手中掂了掂分量。在那些长而暗的傍晚、长而暗的黎明里,这些油能燃亮他们那盏小破灯。你能给我念故事了,男孩儿说道。是不是,爸爸?是,他回答。我能给你念故事了。 河谷那头,只见道路穿过一条漆墨般的小溪。光秃秃并烧焦了的树干,在道路两侧延伸。灰烬在路面上翻滚,熏黑了的灯柱上耷拉下一截截废电线头,在风中啜泣。森林开垦地上有一座烧焦的房子,它后面接着片灰蒙蒙的荒草地,以及一段赤红的泥岸,上面还留了废弃的路防。更远处,能看到几家挂着大广告牌的汽车旅馆。从前的一切,如今都已黯然荒弃了。迎着冷风,他们站在小山包上,喘气。他看了看孩子。我没事,男孩儿对他说道。男人伸手扶着孩子肩头,朝下面一览无余的村庄点了点头。他从小推车里拿出望远镜,站在路当中,朝下面的平原望去,灰白光线中,这座城市的形状恰似荒漠中的炭笔速描。没什么可看的。没有烟。我看看行吗?男孩儿问。行。当然可以。男孩儿趴在推车上,调整了轮子方向。你看见什么了?男人问。什么都没看到。孩子把望远镜放下。下雨了。对,男人说,我知道。 他们将小车留在一处狭沟中,遮上防水布,再穿过那些黑矮的树桩丛,上了山坡,那里有块支出来的大岩石,于是父子俩便坐在这块挡板下,看灰暗的雨帘冲刷下河谷。天很冷。两个人挤成一团,每人大衣外面又裹了床毯子,过了一会儿,雨停了,只有那森林里还滴着小水珠。 天放晴后,他们下山走到放推车的地方,卷起防水布,拿出毛毯和过夜需要的其他东西。然后,又爬上山,在岩石堆下找处干燥地方搭好了帐篷,男人拥着孩子,想让他暖和些。两个人裹在毯子里,看着无可名状的黑暗向他们缠绕而至。灰色的城市线条,随着暗夜的到来像幽灵般消失了,他便避了风点上那盏小灯。接着,二人重又走到路上。他牵着男孩的手朝山顶走。路在那里达到最高峰,他们能望到往南延伸的,已变得模糊的乡村。风中,父子俩站住了,裹着毛毯察看是否有火光或灯光闪烁的痕迹。什么都没有。山腰上,那堆岩石下发出的灯火已比绿豆粒大不了多少,过了一会儿,他们又折了回去。每样东西都潮糊糊生不起火来。吃过一顿可怜巴巴的冷饭菜,两人铺好衣物躺下了,中间燃着一盏小灯。男人本来带上了孩子的书,可孩子太累,根本没精神听了。我睡觉的时候能让灯一直亮着吗?他问。可以。当然可以。 路 第一节(3) 过了好长时间,他还醒着。隔了一阵,他转过身,看着男人。男人的脸因为天上滴落的雨水,在微弱的光线下,映照出一道道黑影,就像老演员脸上的皱纹。我问你个问题行吗?他说。 好,问吧。 我们会死吗? 将来会。现在不会。 我们还是往南走吗? 是的。 那我们就不用受冻了。 对。 好。 好什么? 没什么。就是好。 睡觉。 好。 我想把灯熄了。可以吗? 嗯。好。 稍后,一片漆黑中:我能问你个问题吗? 问吧。当然可以。 如果我死了你怎么办? 如果你死了我也去死。 这样你就可以和我一起了。 是的。这样我就可以和你一起了。 好。 他躺着,听林中滴落的水珠。岩石床,他睡的是。四周又冷又静。深夜,一阵阵阴冷的风吹起了灰烬,在这片空茫里来回飞舞。灰烬被卷向前,散落,然后再一次被卷向前。万物都失去了支撑。在灰蒙蒙的空气里无所依托。仅靠一口气熬着,一口颤抖的、短暂的气。真希望我的心是石头做的。 他在黎明之前醒来,看着灰茫茫白日破晓。缓慢、浑浊。男孩儿还在睡,他起身穿上鞋,裹上毛毯,穿过树林往外走去。石洞中有处岩溶沟,他走下去,蹲着咳嗽起来,咳了很久。停下之后,他就这样跪在灰烬上,抬头对着灰暗的白日。你在吗?他悄声问。我最后能见到你吗?你有脖子,好让我掐死吗?你有心吗?你这该被永世诅咒的,有灵魂吗?哦,上帝,他悄声道。哦,上帝呀。 第二天中午,他们开始穿越城市。他将枪放在小车最顶层那叠防水布上面,随时能拿到。同时也让孩子紧挨着自己。这座城几乎已全被烧毁。没有生命迹象。街上的汽车铺满灰尘,每样东西都铺满了灰尘。干结的泥泞中镶着车轮印子。一处门洞里,有具死尸已干成一张皮了。大白天就碰到这种怪相。他把男孩儿又朝身边拉了拉。记住,你放进脑子里的那些东西,永远都会留在那里,他说。你放之前可能该考虑一下。 有些事也能忘记,对不对? 对。你忘记了想记住的,记住了想忘记的。 ...

    Essay Length: 306 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 8, 2011 Autor: jon
  • From Collectivism to Individualism: The Changing Culture in Chinese Family Firms with The Fade of Confucianism

    From Collectivism to Individualism: The Changing Culture in Chinese Family Firms with The Fade of Confucianism

    Introduction Accompanying the strong economic growth over the past three decades, China has been an economic giant among nations of the world. The economic boom has caught a profusion of scholars' attention to find out the impetuses of China's rapid development. Among different dynamics of China's economic growth, Chinese family businesses are crucial to China's success. By 1999, there 1,508,857 private firms employing 20,220,000 workers in China (Lan, 2002, cf. Wu, 2006). According to Backman

    Essay Length: 4,546 Words / 19 Pages
    Submitted: March 8, 2011 Autor: andrew
  • Chinese Culture Paper

    Chinese Culture Paper

    In the ancient Chinese culture, the connection with nature and with the universe was very valued and allowed for people to stay on-task and keep up with their daily duties without falling behind. Many times, a man would be given a good plot in life with bountiful land and a loyal wife. However, once that man worked hard and became wealthy, he would spend all of his wealth on things to improve his appearance, drugs,

    Essay Length: 586 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: March 14, 2011 Autor: viki
  • Chinese Bank Presentation

    Chinese Bank Presentation

    Chinese bank presentation - History - Actual issues Problématique : Existe-il une relation entre: - La performance des banques chinoises - & la structure de leur capital social? Lien avec le CG: - Système de Contrôle de Gestion Interne, externe - Evaluation risque (prêt…) & pilotage des banques - Normes internationales IFRS / Contexte chinois Une étude économétrique exprime quantitativement les corrélations pouvant exister entre des phénomènes économiques dont une théorie affirme l'existence et son

    Essay Length: 343 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 15, 2011 Autor: andrew
  • Advantages for Chinese Companies in Globalization

    Advantages for Chinese Companies in Globalization

    It is undeniable that there are some advantages for Chinese companies in globalization. First and foremost, globalization can bring more opportunity and profit to Chinese companies. Globalization can bring benefits to one country not only in absolute advantages but also in absolute disadvantage. There is a good example to explain it. In the first country, there are product A and product B, and they both have absolute advantages, but product A is less benefit than

    Essay Length: 286 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: April 2, 2011 Autor: rita
  • Oralism and Sign Language

    Oralism and Sign Language

    Oralism and Sign Language The deaf community views being deaf as a separate culture and language itself rather than translations and interpretations through other spoken languages. Oralism and Signing facilitates thinking to a great extent, because there is so much thought that has to go into the communication of signing and oralism. Oralism is the education of the deaf students using spoken language and was influenced by Alexander Graham Bell. Sign language is the most

    Essay Length: 1,328 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: April 9, 2011 Autor: antoni
  • My Language Enviroment - Personal Essay

    My Language Enviroment - Personal Essay

    My language environment consists of more than one language. My parents are Arabic and moved to America to pursue a more financially stable life. Since my parents were Arabic, they would constantly intertwine Arabic and English words together to get their points across. This is not something I regret. In fact I am thankful for this because it would teach me how the context of something said could change the meaning of a word. This

    Essay Length: 590 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: April 9, 2011 Autor: andrey
  • Guillermo Del Toro - Analyse the Way the Director Uses Three Distinctive Elements of Film Language to Communicate Meaning to the Audience

    Guillermo Del Toro - Analyse the Way the Director Uses Three Distinctive Elements of Film Language to Communicate Meaning to the Audience

    Guillermo Del Toro Task 1: Analyse the way the director uses three distinctive elements of film language to communicate meaning to the audience. Costume/makeup: Director, Guillermo Del Toro focuses on costume in his films; in pan’s labyrinth we see this with the faun who sends Ophelia on her journeys. The first scene we see him is when Ophelia goes into the labyrinth at night, he looks old, wise and mythological. When the audience see’s the

    Essay Length: 3,690 Words / 15 Pages
    Submitted: June 20, 2011 Autor: xreaperfangx
  • The Internationalization of Chinese Firms: Case Analysis of Some Key Dimensions

    The Internationalization of Chinese Firms: Case Analysis of Some Key Dimensions

    The Internationalization of Chinese Firms: Case Analysis of Some Key Dimensions By Wenbo Tang 2007 A dissertation presented in part consideration for the degree of MA Management - 1 - Declaration I declare that this dissertation and the work presented in it are my own achievement except others have stated. - 2 - Acknowledgements I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. Chengqi Wang, for his advice, guidelines and great support throughout the course of

    Essay Length: 5,200 Words / 21 Pages
    Submitted: July 9, 2011 Autor: uyen1987
  • Strategies in the Performance of Directives: A Case Study of the Chinese Play - the Family

    Strategies in the Performance of Directives: A Case Study of the Chinese Play - the Family

    I. Introduction The speech act of Directives is a typical kind of speech act performed in the use of language. It is a face-threatening act in nature according to Searle’s description that they are attempts (of varying degrees) by the speaker to get the hearer to do something. Thus, often than not, a face-work is needed to initiate a relatively comfortable rhythm for conversation. In order to do the face-work, a certain strategies are necessary

    Essay Length: 402 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: July 18, 2011 Autor: lill455
  • Henry Lawson, Experience Through Language

    Henry Lawson, Experience Through Language

    Good morning/ Afternoon year 12, today I will be addressing you on a future topic for your studies in English. You will be prescribed with a text. The text I was prescribed in year 12 was “Henry Lawson short stories” Henry Lawson’s short story “The drover’s wife” is about a bush woman and her four children and how they live and cope with the natural elements of the Australian bush whilst her husband is away

    Essay Length: 547 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: August 3, 2011 Autor: shelleyann
  • Chinese Government Favours Investment That Meets the Country's Development Goals

    Chinese Government Favours Investment That Meets the Country's Development Goals

    Organization (WTO) in 2001 in order to conform to WTO investment requirements. In practice, the Chinese government favours investment that meets the country's development goals such as those in higher value-added sectors and advanced rather than basic manufacturing. Its investment objectives are outlined in the Foreign Investment Catalogue, which divides sectors of the economy where foreign investment is encouraged, restricted and prohibited. Sectors which are "prohibited" for foreign investment include media-related industries and compulsory basic

    Essay Length: 297 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: September 6, 2011 Autor: viki
  • Story of the Stone - the Chinese Novel

    Story of the Stone - the Chinese Novel

    Brandon Layton December 17, 2009 The Garden The Story of the Stone is a classic Chinese novel that depicts the life of a young aristocratic boy growing up in the Qing Dynasty or the middle of the 18th century. Written by Cao Xue Qin, it has been said to be semi-autobiographical. The main character in the book is the boy Baoyu, who was born with a piece of jade in his mouth. The story dives

    Essay Length: 2,343 Words / 10 Pages
    Submitted: September 15, 2011 Autor: andrey
  • The Chinese Fireworks Industry

    The Chinese Fireworks Industry

    Background The Chinese fireworks industry has been undergoing some significant growth since China, in an effort to transform into a market economy, initiated opening up and reform policy in 1979. It is world's largest fireworks exporter accounting for 89% of worldwide fireworks export sales. However the competition in the Chinese fireworks industry is fierce with "cutthroat price competition" and "hard-to-penetrate distribution channels" with the entrance of small companies; competition intensified, driving the price, and ultimately

    Essay Length: 569 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: September 16, 2011 Autor: antoni
  • On Communicative Functions and Cultural Differences of Body Language

    On Communicative Functions and Cultural Differences of Body Language

    On Communicative Functions and Cultural Differences of Body Language Mi Jie Introduction As we become likely to contact with people from cultures very different from our own, there is a need for more awareness of understanding the sources and differences of different nonverbal behaviors in cross-cultural contacts. Culture is the framework within which man maneuvers his nonverbal behavior. This can be understood in two ways. First, culture tends to determine the specific nonverbal behavior that

    Essay Length: 5,953 Words / 24 Pages
    Submitted: September 21, 2011 Autor: jon
  • Slang, Txt & Chat Language

    Slang, Txt & Chat Language

    Slang, Txt & Ch@ Language That language differs in different geographical locations is a well-known fact, but the phenomenon of chat language has within the last decade grown across borders into a universal style of writing. By abbreviating words we create a new type of language, which does not at first glance seem to be very dependent on grammar. Text-message and chat language exist in various languages around the world, but this paper will focus

    Essay Length: 2,877 Words / 12 Pages
    Submitted: October 2, 2011 Autor: antoni
  • Culture and Language

    Culture and Language

    Culture and language go hand in hand. Culture is defined in our textbook as “the language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and material objects that are important enough to pass on to future generations of a society”. On culture is defined in several ways: the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc.; a particular form or stage of

    Essay Length: 311 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: October 19, 2011 Autor: shawna4002
  • Understanding Sound in Language Acquisition

    Understanding Sound in Language Acquisition

    Understanding Sound in Language Acquisition Which loss high or low frequency will have the greater effect on comprehending spoken language and what will the implications for a preschooler, child of 6 to 9 years and adolescent. Communication is mutlisensory, Communication received is through our senses of smell, touch, taste, vision and hearing. Two major acquisition of language 1) Imprinting: learning as a high rate to acquire information. 2) Critical periods: is the period of development.

    Essay Length: 1,004 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: October 21, 2011 Autor: haniya
  • The official Language Movement

    The official Language Movement

    The official language movement The first article I found called "Arguments for and against bilingual education," states a few of the pros and cons to bilingual teaching. Bilingual education is very costly, however, is very important because some people do not speak English and if they do not speak English they cannot understand what is taught to them. Government implemented programs designed to help immigrants assimilate into the American ways do the opposite and bilingual

    Essay Length: 276 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 6, 2011 Autor: Antonio
  • Let Biased Language Be

    Let Biased Language Be

    Revised Essay 1 Words: 904 Bias-free language does not help to create equality for the minorities because it distracts attention from the real problems of prejudice and injustice that exist in society. As Kakutani says: "Calling the homeless ‘the underhoused' doesn't give them a place to live; calling the poor ‘the economically marginalized' doesn't help them pay the bills"(456). Changing the way we speak makes no difference, for those histories of the suffering people remain.

    Essay Length: 888 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: November 8, 2011 Autor: peter

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