Los Angeles Times Newspaper Background
Autor: rita • March 8, 2011 • Essay • 9,631 Words (39 Pages) • 2,230 Views
Company Background:
In 1881: Establishment of Los Angeles Times as a daily newspaper of Los Angeles, California which was published every week and a half but soon it was pronounced bankrupt. Other company named Mirror stepped in and bought out the newspaper.
In 1960: When Mirror took over the newspaper Otis was the editor of it and had turned the company to be successful. After a short notice, Otis Chandler took over as publisher of Times
Since mid 1990s circulation figures of the Los Angeles time have decreased many believed that this was due readers being able to obtain news from other channels such as via the internet which is made available in every corner of the world also through television and radio.
After 1960:
-Transformation of Times from a politically partisan, locally-oriented paper into highly respected regional newspaper with a national and an international focus.
-Formation of Times Mirror Corporation to contain a variety of newspaper, magazine and book publishing.
- The paper won four Pulitzer Prizes, more than its previous nine decades combined.
In 1996: Chandler family trusts continued to hold 62% of Times Mirror stock
In 2000: Los Angeles Times was acquired by the Tribune Company of Chicago which has ended the long family-metropolitan daily newspaper chain of successor.
-John Carroll who was initially the editor of the Baltimore Sun was brought in to be in charge as an editor in Los Angeles Times. During his reign more than 200 jobs were eliminated out. Even though, he was able to generate an increase in 20% rate of profit, Tribune executives were unsatisfied with the returns and in the year 2005 John left his post.
- After a short notice John Carroll was replaced by Dean Banquet. Within the reign of these two editors, LA Times have won 13 Pulitzer awards.
In 2005: The paper's content and design style had been changed multiple times in recent years in attempts to increase circulation. According to few research conducted the "Local" section of the newspaper have been changed to "California" so that more content can be extended in this section.
In 2006: According to research in early 2006, Times closed its printing plant at San Fernando Valley. Also in 2006, the Times announced its circulation at down 5.4% from 2005. The Times loss of circulation is the highest out of the top ten newspapers in the U.S.
In 2007: The Tribune was sold out to Sam Zell who would possess all of Tribunes assets including Los Angeles Times.
In 2008: it was reported that 250 jobs were to be cut off and reduce the number of pages to be published by 15%. Since Zell bought Tribune, the paper has been struggling heavily to deal