The Effect of Temperature on Generation Time
Autor: andrey • March 8, 2011 • Essay • 657 Words (3 Pages) • 3,117 Views
1. How does a person usually acquire tuberculosis?
Since tuberculosis is an airborne transmitted disease, people can acquire the disease by
inhalation of bacterium when a person with active pulmonary disease coughs, sneezes,
spits or sings. Aerosol droplets of M. tuberculosis cells can penetrate the respiratory
tracts of those with a compromised immune system. Typically the disease affects those
most associated with crowded conditions or poor ventilation, often in urban areas or
ghettos where malnutrition is prevalent. The bacteria enters the alveoli of the lungs
where pathogenesis occurs. Macrophages then respond to the infection by ingesting the
bacilli. The bacilli are engulfed by white blood cells called phagocytes, but not
destroyed. Lymphocytes and fibroblasts surround the mass in the lungs, then forming
what is called a tubercle (a hard nodule), henceforth the name tuberculosis.
2. What physical property of Mycobacterium tuberculosis makes it acid fast?
Once stained, the organisms are classified as acid fast due to their impermeability of their
waxy barrier around the cell (mycolic acid) by certain dyes and stains. The bacteria also
resists de-colorization and most aqueous dyes, which include gram stains. High lipid
concentration within the cell wall prevents the acceptance of those dyes.
3. Why does Mycobacterium tuberculosis require long-term drug therapy?
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a stubborn disease that consumes most body tissues and
the respiratory tract. Over the years, the bacterium has been known to showcase the
development of antibiotic resistance. The first line of defense includes drugs such as
isoniazid and rifampin. Other drugs such as ethambutol, pyrazinamide, and
streptomycin are used to delay resistant strains from emerging. If that does not work, a
second line of defense includes drugs such as fluoroquinolones and kanamycin which still
battle the multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). As a last resort, antimicrobial
drug therapy is being used to fight off the bacteria over a six to nine month period, since