Effect of Temperature on IV Characteristics of a Diode
Autor: Zergzilla2000 • September 23, 2018 • Lab Report • 645 Words (3 Pages) • 685 Views
ES 231L
Submitted by:
Arslan Khawar
Determine the effect of temperature on the I-V characteristics of a diode. Use the interval of (20, 60, 100) °C
The following graph was obtained by constructing the circuit on PSPICE schematics and simulating the circuit.
The trace using SCHEMATICS:
[pic 2]
Implement the following circuit. Choose V1 to be a sinusoidal signal. Plot the input signal (V1) and the voltage across the load resistance (R). What circuit does it correspond to?
The circuit was implemented on multi-sim and the output is illustrated below:
[pic 3]
The output on CRO shows that the circuit constructed is behaving as a full wave rectifier because the negative wave has been rectified to positive.
Implement the following logic gates using transistors (BJT). Apply square pulse at each input. The period of one pulse should be twice the other input signal.
All the specified circuits are designed on multi sim and the logic is tested using CRO. Wave above x-axis is taken as high signal i.e. 1 and vice versa
The default frequency of one input is assumed 10 Hz and the frequencies in case of multiple inputs are 10 Hz and 20 Hz respectively
- NOT (Inverter)
[pic 4]
The blue wave on CRO is indicating the output signal whereas the yellow wave corresponds to the input (ac source). It can be observed from the graph that when input is high, the output is low and vice versa, hence confirming the logic of inverter
[pic 5]
The input signals are indicated by sinusoidal waves whereas the output is shown as the rectangular waves, voltage axis divisions for the output wave were increased in order to display a more prominent wave.