The Great “globalization” Debate
Autor: Alex Chairez • December 10, 2016 • Term Paper • 825 Words (4 Pages) • 1,054 Views
Week 2: The Great “Globalization” Debate
Class 1, 10/4: What is “Globalization”?
• Herman M. Schwartz, “Globalization: The Long View” (51-63), in Stubbs and Underhill.
• Geoffrey R. D. Underhill, “Global Issues in Historical Perspective” (pp. 103-117), in Stubbs and Underhill.
• Louis W. Pauly, “Global Finance and Political Order” (pp. 135-144), in Stubbs and Underhill.
• Richard Baldwin, “Globalisation: the great unbundling(s),” Economic Council of Finland, September 20, 2006. [For those still struggling to understand globalization, this is a very good overview of the subject from the perspective of economic history and the changing organization of production, work, and trade.]
• Geoffrey R. D. Underhill, “Conceptualizing the Changing Global Order” (pp. 3-23), in Stubbs and Underhill.
Class 2, 10/6: How Much does Globalization Matter?
• Robert Kuttner, “Must Trade Kill Equality?” The American Prospect, March 5, 2007.
• Richard Stubbs and Austina J. Reed, “Regionalization and Globalization” (pp. 289-293), in Stubbs and Underhill.
• Richard Stubbs and Sarah Eaton, “State Responses to Globalization” (pp. 371-375), in Stubbs and Underhill.
• Eric Helleiner, “Alternatives to Neo-Liberalism?” (pp. 77-87), in Stubbs and Underhill.
Part II: National Models of Capitalism
Week 3: Variants of Liberal Market Capitalism—The United States & the Great Britain
Class 1, 10/11: American Exceptionalism & the Liberal Market Economy
• Wilson, “Business and Politics in the United States” (pp. 27-57).
Class 2, 10/13: U.S. as Divided Hegemon?— Dynamism, Stagnation, & Roots of Crisis
• David Coates, Models of Capitalism: Growth and Stagnation in the Modern Era, pp. 23-43.
• Bruce E. Moon, “The United States and Globalization: Struggles with Hegemony” (pp. 431-342), in Stubbs and Underhill.
• Start the lengthy reading for next week: Jacob Hacker and Paul Pierson, Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer—and