Three Theories of Crime-Comparing and Contrasting
Autor: domwhl • May 26, 2012 • Essay • 449 Words (2 Pages) • 2,068 Views
Three Theories of Crime-Comparing and Contrasting
Three Theories of Crime-Comparing and Contrasting
Joshua Winston Wylie
Everest University
Three Theories of Crime-Comparing and Contrasting
To begin with, after reading Chapter 3, I was able to gain more insight into the theories. That’s why I have chosen biological, cognitive, and latent trait theory. Reason being is that all three mainly deals with human psyche.
To be able to compare these three theories one should look at how they deal with humans and their mind. When those commit crimes one must think what was this person thinking, what their frame of mind was, and what kind of person would commit this crime. These questions I believe does come across a person’s mind when analyze someone who has committed a crime
Being able to contrast these three theories was quite the challenge. With biological theory is the belief that crime is caused not so much by human choice but by inherited and uncontrollable biological and psychological traits. This can be said that those who commit crimes are predisposed; they are born with the traits to commit crimes. This theory may account for those who are repeat offenders of crimes. That no matter how much rehabilitation or jail time a person still may commit the crime because that’s all he or she can think about.
Cognitive is the belief that individual reasoning processes influence behavior. That a person’s reasoning is influenced by the way people perceive their environment. This can be defined as a person who all their life they have been told they couldn’t achieve anything; they couldn’t become success in life. Therefore being condition to think this way