Amongst the Amazons
Autor: BAxter.Thomas • December 6, 2016 • Essay • 1,004 Words (5 Pages) • 1,164 Views
Amongst the Amazons
Entry/Day 1: I had just received some information from a satellite that was scanning the Amazon rainforest for any unusual activity as per usual nothing just an ordinary day I look back down at all my papers and continue writing, then BANG! Dozens and dozens of humans appeared in the amazon. I was in shock because just a couple of seconds ago the satellites heat sensors hadn’t picked up anything except for a few birds and everything. How was this possible I double checked the other monitors and everything this wasn’t a glitch or anything. I ran out to my car (A pretty damn fine Jaguar) switched on the ignition and faster then you can say amazon I was off ready to go and check out what appeared on my monitor. Even though I love my Jag south America didn’t have particularly good terrain all rocky and bumpy, I probably should’ve bought a Land rover, a Jeep or even a quad bike just for manoeuvrability but a lass my Jag will have to do. I was at the edge of the rainforest fortunately there was an outpost there in case of someone getting hurt whilst they went on there walk, I stole one of there quad bikes and checked the co-ords on my phone and drove that way without hesitation. The bike must’ve been near empty because when I was about a hundred meters out the bike stopped dead in its tracks. I was out about twenty meters when I stood on a twig and it snapped incredibly loud (yes I know this isn’t a movie) and with in half a second I was surrounded by dozens of spears. A lady asked me “Who are you and what do you think your doing stepping into sacred grounds?” She radiated with power, her aura made me feel like I was in my tip top physical shape.
“I’m Theseus” I said with confidence because something told me showing weakness in front of this person is not smart “I’m a historian but I focus on geographical location’s that are related to ancient Greece and Rome”
“Hmph” The lady said as if she was intrigued by my name “Still doesn’t answer my question why are you here?”
“I saw your heat signature appear out of no where on my monitor” I replied with “Who… who are you?”
“I’m insulted you didn’t recognise me on sight, I am Penthesilea Queen of the amazons” Penthesilea said with a sharp tone
“I… I read about you, yeah that’s right you fought in the Trojan War” I said with memories flowing back
“Now you said your name is Theseus, you share the name of a child of Zeus, any relation” Penthesilea said as if hoping I was
“Very high chancem my father comes from a long line of ancient Greek blood and my mother is a direct descendant of Helen Spartha” I said
“That explains your line of work” Penthesilea. She said something in ancient Greek and I only understood two words “Bring him” I immediately turned to run but I all I turned to was very sharp sparthas (roman swords)