My Bio Case
Autor: serahk • October 27, 2013 • Essay • 524 Words (3 Pages) • 1,497 Views
Hello, my name is Serah K. Krieger formerly known as Serah K Ayers. I was born in Fort Myers Florida on October 24th,1987.
I lived in Florida for almost three years with my mom and grandmother. My mom was only 16 when she had, had me so we lived with my grandmother for awhile. Then just before I was to turn three my mother met my dad (step father). At that point we packed up all of our belongings and moved to this really cold state called Ohio, that is where my dad is from. He was in the Navy and that’s how he ended up in Florida.
After a couple of years living in Northeast Ohio I started school in Delta went there for about a year and then we moved to Montpelier and no not Montpelier Vermont either Montpelier Ohio.
The Montpelier high school is then where I graduated from on a nice warm June day in 2006.When I graduated I was in the top ten percent of my class and graduated with honors. All through school I was busy, whether I was in the band and choir in junior high. Once I got to high school I was involved with the wrestling team by being a mat maid, was in the marching band, concert band, and the national honor society, All through my years of school I was apart of the honor roll and most of the time had perfect attendance. Not to mention from the time I could hold a job full time I did even while in school doing homework and my extra activities.
Once I got in my senior year I met my now husband of two years and the father of my two beautiful little boys Bryan Xavier (5) and Alexander James (soon to be 4).
After we both graduated I moved out of my moms house and into his where I planned on going to school and still working my full time job, well I was never able to go to school because I ended up getting pregnant and had to put it off for awhile. Once Bryan turned about 1 ½ I started a full time job at the local Dollar General as a cashier just after Bryan