My Life
Autor: hungdang93 • February 29, 2012 • Essay • 377 Words (2 Pages) • 1,301 Views
at 180o.
Next to the second section, put three hangers on the table: 100 g for m1¬ at 0o, 200 g for m2 at 160o and an empty hanger for m3. We have to fine the mass and the angel for the m3 to make the ring equilibrium. For this problem, we solve it first to make the prediction by using vector component. As solve this problem, we finding that the m3=322o and the magnitude is 111.4 g. After done the problem, we go in to make the experiment, to find the mass and the angel. After many try at different place, we find out that the angel we choose is 322o just like at we predict. But the mass is have a little different. The mass we predict is 111g but on our experience, it is 108g which difference at 2.8%.
The third section we measure the the third vector as same as second section but we don’t solve the problem. Then after measure it we have to find the net force. And here is our data base on the condition which is m1=100 g at 0o, m2= 150 g at 140o. So our data for the third vector is m3¬=96g and the angel is 274o. And we find the net force by plus the vector component x and y of each force and the result is Fnet= 8.2 N
4) Conclusion:
The result we have proved our theory at beginning is wring which is the net force of the equilibrium is zero. It proved by us doing the experience with 2 vectors and 3 vectors. From the solving the problem by consume the theory that net force is zero. And we check it by measure it. Even thought there is some error because of the way we determine how the ring is be equilibrium, and also the weight we use does not exactly weight as it suppose to be. And the result we get from the measure it is almost the same as we solve the problem. But at three forces in section three. We got the net force is little bigger than zero. That appears because our measure doesn’t close to what it suppose to be. But our number is still in the acceptance.