Personal Reflection Essay
Autor: Alex Moreno Campos • February 15, 2016 • Essay • 715 Words (3 Pages) • 1,999 Views
Jaquelin Muro
English 1A
Mr. Anderson
21 January 2016
Personal Reflection Essay
To begin, my name is Jaquelin Muro, mostly known as Jackie Muro. I am twenty years old and am currently aiming for Liberal Studies as my major. As many can say, I’m just someone trying to find their place in this world. Honestly, that’s not necessarily my view in life. Question is: why have I come to college? There’s many reasons why I’m here, some more important than others. Straight from high school, I enrolled into college since that’s what everyone’s perspective is to do, thinking I had it all figured out -- my major, my career, and my life. Little did I know that I had no clue of what I really wanted to do. Disappointments started to fill the cracks of my unknown academic reality that I personally set. Soon enough I became tired of the discouragement I brought myself. I dropped out from all my classes, giving up on my future and in what I wanted to attain in life. Sooner or later I knew realization was going to come into play.
Two months pregnant (not even knowing) I came to realize my little surprise. This was undeniably a grand wake-up call. The motivation to succeed was more than just a desire. It was a need too. Now I find myself here once again, back to college. I’m here not only to succeed for myself but also to be able to strive for the goal I once had. This goal consists of attaining a college degree in Early Childhood Education. I am beyond committed to make it through and achieve that goal, because I now have enough motivation and inspiration from within.
In all honesty I don’t’ really know what writing is all about nor the outlook of it. All I ever knew about writing is having an introduction, three bodies, and a simple, summarized conclusion. Having a different viewpoint in the college writing, I was able to express a small part of me in the essays I composed.
Every writer has some type of weakness in his or her writing. My main weakness is sticking to the topic since my mind tends to digress. To be able to simply organize my thoughts can be one of the most difficult challenges I can achieve in writing. A positive outcome that I developed in writing is the ability to express myself, to leave my thoughts on paper. That’s what I believe to be my overall strength in writing. My perception of writing has changed in college by developing some positive skills in writing but sadly, not as much as I would have hoped. In this class, I plan to develop a more knowledgeable perspective of what writing is truly about and gain the necessary skills to comprehend and attain the qualities of a true writer. Perhaps at the end of this course my perception will be different than it is now.