Term Paper
Autor: simba • November 16, 2011 • Essay • 279 Words (2 Pages) • 1,656 Views
OMG what happend to me? how did i get myself into this mess? I should have known better. I knew what would happen. Wall-e holds out his hand and the cock roach jumps from eve's hand to his. Eve scans wall-e and moves into the other dircrection. Directive classified. Name, wall-e, name eve. the dust storm is comming wall-e try's to take eve to safty, eve is ready to shot with her laser. Then she sees and wall-e takes eve to safty inside his house full of gagets. Wall-e dances for eve. eve try to dance but she over does spinning and spins so fast that she bumps into wall-e. he flys up and hit the celing. he falls down and his eye is broke. he fixes hisself and show eve the plant that he found. she takes the plant and goes into shut down mode. walle does not know what to do. he trys to hold her hand and gets stuck. Ok well then they have to fight to get the plant to the right spot in the ship. walle. when he leaves eve. she is taken. walle goes to space with eve, and leaves his cock roach friend on earth. the dust has pull. walle get inside the ship and follows eve. mo finds walle. mo trys to clean up after walles traks, and walle put a track mark of dirt on mo's head. mo discovers he can go anywhere. not just on the line indacated. walle has a hard time keeping up with eve. He sees fat people everywhere. they roll aroud on chairs, and eat all meals out of a cup. robots do enerything.