American Idol: Case Review
Autor: MsAlewine • September 5, 2015 • Essay • 1,222 Words (5 Pages) • 1,396 Views
American Idol: Case Review
Tiffin University
Prepared by: Sergio Grima
August 30, 2015
Instructor: Lance Mowrey
MKT611_90 Business Research Analysis
American Idol: Case Review
Thus far in this course the topics of discussion have addressed research and its importance. From how it is used in the everyday lives of most and to the harsh reality of obtaining credible and reliable information. Additionally, the idea and importance of not relying on coincidental or anecdotal evidence as sound hardcore evidence. Research is and has become a critical aspect and tool in business and statistics assists researchers in credibility, however, when it comes to research it is imperative to know and understand that not all research conducted is reliable. Therefore, it is important to know how the study was retrieved and performed if it was indeed bias or impractical. This case review discusses Melissa Marcello, “CEO of research agency Pursuant, Inc. and Julie Litzenberger, leader of the public relations division at marketing communications agency, Sage Communications” research ideas for American Idol (Malhotra, 2010, p. 780).
These two business associates had a desire to show the skeptics they so often witnessed “…voicing resistance to pursuing marketing research different” (Malhotra, 2010, p. 780). With the knowledge they possessed and passion for their work, Marcello and Litzenberger felt it was important for them to come up with an idea that would assist them in gaining the trust of prospective clients. Something that when presented would not only display the importance of professionally done marketing research but grab the interest of potential clients as well. To do so, they decided it was necessary to focus on a single project, one that would be powerful, accurate and reliable in demonstrating the usefulness of marketing research. One that would undoubtedly address the skeptics that stated they already knew about customers. And those that felt that marketing research was too expensive to obtain and too impractical.
The project of focus was a study investigating the American Idol viewers. Of which a key question to be addressed was, “what still needed to be known about the viewers and voters for contestants of the popular TV show America Idol” (Malhotra, 2010, p. 780)? In their attempt to overcome the challenges in client development, and prove that effectiveness of market research and public relations efforts if conducted properly, they first had to understand and realize the reasoning behind it. Marcello and Litzenberger were cognoscente of the fact that,