Cardiovascular Disease in America Today
Autor: paadamssr1 • March 24, 2013 • Research Paper • 1,973 Words (8 Pages) • 1,420 Views
Cardiovascular Disease in America Today
The words heart attack, are never uttered with an initial feeling of joy or happiness. Matters of the heart when it comes to our health are a love story of a different kind, but the fairy tale ending is still the one of choice by popular demand, they lived happily ever after. Cardiovascular diseases can attack our friends, families, and loved ones, age does not matter just asked anyone who has this unfortunate experience whether they be the patient or the on looking witness. Cardiovascular Disease is a major problem in Americans because of a poor ratio of essential fatty acids in their diets and an unhealthy attitude towards exercise; two solutions are changing to a diet of grass fed beef in contrast to grain fed beef and increasing ones amount of proper exercise.
One of the contributing factors of cardiovascular disease found in Americans is a poor ratio of essential fatty acids. Research has proven that there is a direct correlation of Omega-3 and Ommega-6 essential fatty acids which promotes good health and supports the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Omega-6 is produced in the seeds of plants and Omega-3 in the leaves. If the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is too high it can contribute to cardiovascular disease as omega 6 is an inflammatory and helps blood to clot while omega 3 is an anti-inflammatory and helps blood to flow (Pollan, 2006, p.262). There have been various studies supporting and evaluating heart health with regards to essential fatty acids and how the lack of incorporating them into our daily diets has advance this problem.
In an article in Pharmacy Times the authors offers supporting facts from the American Heart Association, that omega-3 fatty acids may improve heart health by reducing the risk of arrhythmias, decreasing platelet aggregation, lowering serum triglycerides, and slightly lowering blood pressure among other effects( Barna & Patel, 2011, p. 24). Furthermore we find this case study a 67 year old woman healthy with an active lifestyle and a diet full of fruits and vegetables inquiring about adding supplements provide essential fatty acids to her daily diet to further improve her health. The advice and recommendation offered were supported by general nutrition daily dosage information of 600mg to 4g of omega-3 per day along with the fact that along with the fact that omega-3 fatty acids have proved beneficial to both those with cardiovascular disease and healthy individuals.
Secondly, some Americans do not possess a positive attitude towards exercising to help fight cardiovascular disease. At a time where things are always being improved for convenience America is getting busier and lazier, some have to work more hours to support their families, kids are sitting in front of televisions and computers playing games and exercise and activity time is shrinking while the