Eli Lilly Case
Autor: annawu • November 11, 2013 • Case Study • 279 Words (2 Pages) • 1,650 Views
normal. Three companies shared the market of the blood glucose testing by 1990, the
Johnson & Johnson, Ames, and Boehringer Mannheim. Eli Lilly’s own BGM had
developed and advertised in 1985. The meters without needing expensive single-use
strips (the portable BMG needs strips), but they unstable performance and had to be
withdrawn from the market.
The reasons for Humulin’s and Lilly’s BGM failure are that the research of Eli Lilly did
not meet the requirements of the patients of that time, although the purity of the insulin
always matters, and the meter without experience strips. There are several mistakes that
company made.
Fist, the company did not consider the affordability of customer. The price of Humulin
was too high so especially low-end market non-accept this product. Second, Humulin’s
development did not meet patient’s needs. According to the article, don’t validate the
market first with your assumption, in the case, the purity of the insulin always matters,
Eli Lilly assumed that patients would seek purity insulin. The company invested $700 to
build the first large-scale biotechnology plant in the world. However, patients were not
dissatisfied to pay premium price for Humulin, they believed that animal insulin was
slightly different from human insulin.