Great Expectations Written by Charles Dickens
Autor: vvulpesvulpes • August 15, 2011 • Book/Movie Report • 532 Words (3 Pages) • 2,288 Views
Great Expectations written by Charles Dickens is a coming of age novel. This novel tells the story of Pip and his initial dreams and resulting disappointments that eventually lead to him becoming a generally good person. During Pip’s journey into adulthood, Pip comes to realize that what he originally thought would make him happy had only made him guilty for leaving his friends behind agonorrheand disappointed in himself.
As a child Pip starts to entertain the idea of becoming a gentleman. He is unhappy with his common lifestyle of becoming a blacksmith. This idea is only reinforced when he is told that he has an anonymous benefactor who will help him on his journey to a higher-class society. Pip trades in his values to attempt to be a gentleman. He leaves behind the people who really loved him to go join a class of people who could care less about him. Biddy and Joe were people who really loved Pip, yet he turns them away, uses them to get what he wants, and gives them the impression that he is better than them when he is no less a commoner than they are. Through his misguided efforts, he only receives more discontentment. He is in debt, has only a few real friends, and feels guilty about the way he had treated everyone who was good to him. He might have had a nice, happy life being a blacksmith at the forge but he threw it all away just because he could. Becoming a gentleman wasn’t all Pip thought it would be and he regretted it.
Pip tries to reach for things that are unattainable to him. For example, Pip is in love with Estella, but he can’t have her because she doesn’t want him. Miss Havisham’s man-hating ways have brushed off on her and she wants nothing to do with Pip other than to hurt him. He is stuck loving someone who will never love him back so he tries to win her over by becoming a high-class man. Unfortunately for Pip, becoming a gentleman does nothing to win Estella’s heart and he is only left disappointed. Estella says